Кавецький Тарас Степанович

Кавецький Тарас Степанович – викладач, кандидат фізико-математичних наук, доцент, лауреат премії Президента України для молодих вчених

e-mail: kavetskyy@yahoo.com



1981-1991 рр. – навчання в СШ № 5 (м. Дрогобич).

1991-1996 рр. – навчання в Дрогобицькому державному педагогічному інституті імені Івана Франка, фізико-математичний факультет, денне відділення (м. Дрогобич).

1997-2000 рр. – навчання в аспірантурі (стаціонарно) в Львівському національному університеті імені Івана Франка, фізичний факультет, кафедра радіоелектронного матеріалознавства (м. Львів).

Червень 2002 р. – захистив кандидатську дисертацію на тему «Композиційні особливості радіаційно-індукованих явищ в халькогенідних склоподібних напівпровідниках потрійної системи Ge-Sb-S» на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата фізико-математичних наук зі спеціальності 01.04.10 – фізика напівпровідників і діелектриків (м. Львів).

Листопад 2002 р. – отримав диплом кандидата наук (м. Київ).

2009-2012 рр. – навчання в докторантурі (стаціонарно) в Дрогобицькому державному педагогічному університеті імені Івана Франка, Інститут фізики, математики та інформатики, кафедра теоретичної фізики і методики викладання фізики (м. Дрогобич).

Грудень 2008 р. – отримав почесне звання лауреата премії Президента України для молодих вчених (м. Київ).

Серпень 2019 р. – присвоєно вчене звання доцента кафедри біології та хімії (м. Дрогобич).

Грудень 2019 р. – отримав атестат доцента (м. Київ).

Трудова діяльність:

1996-1997 рр. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний інститут імені Івана Франка, інженер (м. Дрогобич).

2000-2001 рр. – ТзОВ спільне українсько-російське підприємство “Сенсор”, науковий співробітник (м. Дрогобич).

2001-2010 рр. – Науково-виробниче підприємство “Карат”, молодший науковий співробітник, науковий співробітник (м. Львів).

2003-2004 рр. – Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, фізичний факультет, завідувач лабораторії (м. Львів).

2004-2013 рр. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, старший науковий співробітник, провідний науковий співробітник науково-дослідного сектору (м. Дрогобич).

З 2013 р. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, доцент кафедри біології та хімії (м. Дрогобич).

З 2014 р. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, старший науковий співробітник науково-дослідного сектору (м. Дрогобич).

З 2015 р. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, доцент кафедри біології та хімії, доцент кафедри теоретичної та прикладної фізики і комп’ютерного моделювання (з 2021 р. – кафедра фізики), завідувач науково-дослідної лабораторії матеріалів твердотільної мікроелектроніки (з 2021 р. – науково-дослідна лабораторія матеріалів твердотільної мікроелектроніки імені професора В.М. Цмоця) (м. Дрогобич).



Статті у реферованих журналах

  1. S. Kavetskyy, V.N. Soloviev, R.I. Khalilov, V.A. Serezhenkov, L.I. Pan’kiv, I.S. Pan’kiv, A.N. Nasibova, N.K. Hoivanovych, A.S. Ivasivka, M.K. Starchevskyy, Y.V. Pavlovskyy, Y.V. Bondaruk, D.A. Dyachok, L.V. Bodnar, S.Y. Voloshanska. EPR study of self-organized magnetic nanoparticles in biomaterials // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2022, in press. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.19, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Open Access)
  2. G. Evtugin, A.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Counting grids for analysis of small biological objects // Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. Rapid Commun., 2022, in press. (IF = 0.48, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.2, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  3. Stasyuk, G. Gayda, T. Kavetskyy, M. Gonchar. Nanozymes with reductase-like activities: antioxidant properties and electrochemical behavior // RSC Adv., 2022, V.12, P.2026-2035. (IF = 3.361, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q1 – Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous))
  4. Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, E. Katz. Recent trends in enzyme engineering aiming to improve bioelectrocatalysis proceeding with direct electron transfer // Curr. Opin. Electrochem., 2022, V.31, P.100856(1-7). (IF = 7.271, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.98, Q1 – Analytical Chemistry)
  5. Nosrati, E. Attari, F. Abhari, M. Barsbay, M. Ghaffarlou, N. Mousazadeh, R. Vaezi, T. Kavetskyy, H. Rezaeejam, T.J. Webster, B. Johari, H. Danafar. Complete ablation of tumors using synchronous chemoradiation with bimetallic theranostic nanoparticles // Bioact. Mater., 2022, V.7, P.74-84. (IF = 14.593, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 2.17, Q1 – Biomaterials; Open Access)
  6. O. Demkiv, N. Stasyuk, T. Kavetskyy, N. Grynchyshyn, A. Kiv, M. Gonchar. Construction of bioreactor for removing of the phenol compounds and biosensor for their assay // Acta Carpathica, 2021, V.1-2(35-36), in press.
  7. T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, M. Gonchar, A. Kiv. Improvement of amperometric biosensor with titanium dioxide nanoparticles // Acta Carpathica, 2021, V.1-2(35-36), in press.
  8. Nasibova, R. Khalilov, H. Abiyev, T. Kavetskyy, B. Trubitsin, C. Keskin, E. Ahmadian,A. Eftekhari. Study of endogenous paramagnetic centers in biological systems from different areas // Concepts Magn. Reson. Part B, Magn. Reson. Eng., 2021, V.2021, P.6787360(1-5). (IF = 1.176, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.29, Q3 – Physical and Theoretical Chemistry)
  9. Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, M. Gonchar, E. Katz. Microbial L- and D-lactate selective oxidoreductases as a very prospective but still uncommon tool in commercial biosensorics // ChemElectroChem, 2021, V.8, P.1-8. (IF = 4.590, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.18, Q1 – Electrochemistry)
  10. N. Nasibova, B.V. Trubitsin, T.S. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, I.S. Ahmadov, R.I. Khalilov. Formation of magnetic nanoparticles in plants under stress factors // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2021, V.6, #2, P.103-110. (DOAJ; Open Access)
  11. A.-M. Wu, C. Bisignano, S.L. James … Kavetskyy, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of bone fractures in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 // Lancet Healthy Longev., 2021, DOI:10.1016/S2666-7568(21)00172-0. (Scopus; Open Access)
  12. V. Stronski, T.S. Kavetskyy, L.O. Revutska, I. Kaban, P. Jóvári, K.V. Shportko, V.P. Sergienko, M.V. Popovych. The boson peak and the first sharp diffraction peak in (As2S3)x(GeS2)1-x glasses // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2021, V.24, #3, P.312-318. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.19, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Open Access)
  13. Stronski, T. Kavetskyy, L. Revutska, K. Shportko, M. Popovych, I. Kaban, P. Jóvári. Structural order in (As2S3)x(GeS2)1x glasses // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2021, V.572, P.121075(1-10). (IF = 3.531, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.76, Q1 – Materials Chemistry)
  14. Gholipour, S. Shojaei, S. Rostamnia, M.R. Naimi-Jamal, D. Kim, T. Kavetskyy, N. Nouruzi, H.W. Jang, R.S. Varma, M. Shokouhimehr. Metal-free nanostructured catalysts: sustainable driving forces for organic transformations // Green Chem., 2021, V.23, P.6223-6272. (IF = 10.182, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 2.22, Q1 – Environmental Chemistry)
  15. A. Cromwell, J.C.P. Osborne, T.R. Unnasch, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Predicting the environmental suitability for onchocerciasis in Africa as an aid to elimination planning // PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., 2021, V.15, #7, P.e0008824(1-23). (IF = 4.33, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.99, Q1 – Infectious Diseases; Open Access)
  16. A. Hassankhani, B. Gholipour, S. Rostamnia, N. Nouruzi, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, M. Shokouhimehr. Sustainable design and novel synthesis of highly recyclable magnetic carbon containing aromatic sulfonic acid: Fe3O4@C/Ph-SO3H as green solid acid promoted regioselective synthesis of tetrazoloquinazolines // Organomet. Chem., 2021, V.35, #10, P.e6346(1-10). (IF = 4.105, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.53, Q2 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
  17. Nosrati, Y. Baghdadchi, R. Abbasi, M. Barsbay, M. Ghaffarlou, F. Abhari, A. Mohammadi, T. Kavetskyy, S. Bochani, H. Rezaeejam, S. Davaran, H. Danafar. Iron oxide and gold bimetallic radiosensitizers for synchronous tumor chemoradiationtherapy in 4T1 breast cancer murine model // J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, V.9, P.4510-4522. (IF = 5.344, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.32, Q1 – Biomedical Engineering)
  18. Eftekhari, A. Arjmand, A. Asheghvatan, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, H. Abiyev, E. Ahmadian, O. Smutok, R. Khalilov, T. Kavetskyy, M. Cucchiarini. The potential application of magnetic nanoparticles for liver fibrosis theranostics // Front. Chem., 2021, V.9, P.674786(1-15). (IF = 5.221, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.85, Q1 – Chemistry (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  19. Kavetskyy, M. Alipour, O. Smutok, O. Mushynska, A. Kiv, D. Fink, F. Farshchi, E. Ahmadian, M. Hasanzadeh. Magneto-immunoassay of cancer biomarkers: Recent progress and challenges in biomedical analysis // Microchem. J., 2021, V.167, P.106320(1-13). (IF = 4.821, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q2 – Analytical Chemistry)
  20. Goździuk, B. Zgardzińska, T. Kavetskyy, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, O. Šauša, M. Lebedevaite, J. Ostrauskaite, A. Kiv. Nanostructure research and amperometric testing to determine the detection capabilities of biopolymer matrices based on acrylated epoxidized soybean oil // Acta Phys. Pol., A, 2021, V.139, #4, P.432-437. (IF = 0.857, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  21. Khoeini, H. Nosrati, A. Akbarzadeh, A. Eftekhari, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, E. Ahmadian, A. Nasibova, P. Datta, L. Roshangar, D.C. Deluca, S. Davaran, M. Cucchiarini, I.T. Ozbolat. Natural and synthetic bioinks for 3D bioprinting // Adv. NanoBiomed Res., 2021, V.1, P.2000097(1-19). (DOAJ; Open Access)
  22. Rashidzadeh, H. Danafar, H. Rahimi, F. Mozafari, M. Salehiabar, M.A. Rahmati, S. Rahamooz-Haghighi, N. Mousazadeh, A. Mohammadi, Y.N. Ertas, A. Ramazani, I. Huseynova, R. Khalilov, S. Davaran, T.J. Webster, T. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, H. Nosrati, M. Mirsaeidi. Nanotechnology against the novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2): diagnosis, treatment, therapy and future prospectives // Nanomedicine (Lond.), 2021, V.16, #6, P.497-516. (IF = 5.307, Scopus, SJR = 1.0, Q1 – Biomedical Engineering; Open Access)
  23. T. Kavetskyy, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, Y. Kukhazh, O. Smutok, Pan’kiv, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, D. Tatchev, G. Avdeev, E. Gericke, A. Hoell, S. Rostamnia, T. Petkova. Structural and free volume characterization of sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrids, obtained by co-condensation of two ureasilicate stoichiometric precursors // J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2021, V.138, P.e50615(1-10). (IF = 2.520, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q1 – Polymers and Plastics)
  24. Rahimi, M. Salehiabar, M. Barsbay, M. Ghaffarlou, T. Kavetskyy, A. Sharafi, S. Davaran, S.C. Chauhan, H. Danafar, S. Kaboli, H. Nosrati, M.M. Yallapu, J. Conde. CRISPR systems for COVID-19 diagnosis // ACS Sens., 2021, V.6, P.1430-1445. (IF = 7.333, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 2.15, Q1 – Bioengineering; Open Access)
  25. Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, T. Prokopiv, R. Serkiz, R. Wojnarowska-Nowak, O. Šauša, I. Novák, D. Berek, A. Melman, M. Gonchar. New micro/nanocomposite with peroxidase-like activity in construction of oxidases-based amperometric biosensors for ethanol and glucose analysis // Anal. Chim. Acta, 2021, V.1143, P.201-209. (IF = 6.558, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.4, Q1 – Analytical Chemistry)
  26. D. Steinmetz, R.R.A. Bourne, P.S. Briant, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study // Lancet Glob. Health, 2021, V.9, #2, P.e144-e160. (IF = 26.763, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 8.06, Q1 – Medicine (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  27. Kavetskyy. The recent reports on ion implantation technique to prepare nanoporous materials // Journal of Advanced Chemical and Pharmaceutical Materials (JACPM), 2020, V.3, #2, P.235-237.
  28. L. James, C.D. Castle, Z.V. Dingels, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study // Inj. Prev., 2020, V.26, P.i125-i153. (IF = 2.420, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q2 – Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Open Access)
  29. G. Moaser, A. Ahadi, S. Rouhani, B.B. Mamba, T.A.-M. Msagati, S. Rostamnia, T. Kavetskyy, S. Dugheri, S. Khaksar, A. Hasanzadeh, M. Shokouhimehr. Curbed of molybdenum oxido-diperoxido complex on ionic liquid body of mesoporous Bipy-PMO-IL as a promising catalyst for selective sulfide oxidation // J. Mol. Liq., 2020, V.312, P.113388(1-10). (IF = 6.165, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.88, Q1 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
  30. Ahmadian, A. Eftekhari, T. Kavetskyy, A.Y. Khosroushahi, V.A. Turksoy, R. Khalilov. Effects of quercetin loaded nanostructured lipid carriers on the paraquat-induced toxicity in human lymphocytes // Pestic. Biochem. Phys., 2020, V.167, P.104586(1-8). (IF = 3.963, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.87, Q1 – Agronomy and Crop Science)
  31. Ahmadian, M. Samiei, A. Hasanzadeh, T. Kavetskyy, S. Jafari, M. Alipour, S. Salatin, M. Rameshrad, S. Sharifi, A. Eftekhari, M. Hasanzadeh. Monitoring of drug resistance towards reducing the toxicity of pharmaceutical compounds: Past, present and future // J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. Anal., 2020, V.186, P.113265(1-12). (IF = 3.935, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.8, Q1 – Analytical Chemistry)
  32. M.A. Dirac, S. Safiri, D. Tsoi, … TKavetskyy, et al. The global, regional, and national burden of gastrooesophageal reflux disease in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 // Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 2020, V.5, P.561-581. (IF = 18.486, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 5.3, Q1 – Gastroenterology; Open Access)
  33. Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, M. Gonchar, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, T. Petkova. Controlling the network properties of polymer matrices for improvement of amperometric enzyme biosensors: Contribution of positron annihilation // Acta Phys. Pol., A, 2020, V.137, #2, P.246-249. (IF = 0.857, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.21, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  34. Eftekhari, S.Z. Vahed, T. Kavetskyy, M. Rameshrad, S. Jafari, L. Chodari, S.M. Hosseiniyan, H. Derakhshankhah, E. Ahmadian, M. Ardalan. Cell junction proteins: Crossing the glomerular filtration barrier in diabetic nephropathy // Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2020, V.148, P.475-482. (IF = 6.953, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.97, Q1 – Energy (miscellaneous))
  35. T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, I. Maťko, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, I. Novák, D. Berek, K. Čechová, M. Pecz, O. Nykolaishyn-Dytso, R. Wojnarowska-Nowak, D. Broda, M. Gonchar, B. Zgardzińska. Microporous carbon fibers as electroconductive immobilization matrixes: Effect of their structure on operational parameters of laccase-based amperometric biosensor // Sci. Eng. C, 2020, V.109, P.110570(1-8). (IF = 7.328, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.15, Q1 – Condensed Matter Physics)
  36. L. Stepanov, R.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.V. Stronski, T. Petkova, P. Petkov. Diffraction grating fabricated on chalcogenide glass (GeSe5)80B20 by mask ion implantation // Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 2020, V.462, P.187-190. (IF = 1.377, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.48, Q2 – Instrumentation)
  37. L. James, C.D. Castle, Z.V. Dingels, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 // Inj. Prev., 2020, V.26, P.i96-i114. (IF = 2.420, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q2 – Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Open Access)
  38. Kavetskyy, A. Kuczumow, K. Iida, Y. Nagashima, M.O. Liedke, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, A. Kiv, A.L. Stepanov. Ion-induced processes in polymer composite materials: Positron annihilation spectroscopy in combination with UV-Vis absorption and Raman spectroscopy // AIP Conf. Proc., 2019, V.2182, P.050024(1-5). (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.18; Open Access)
  39. S. Kavetskyy, Y.Y. Kukhazh, K.V. Zubrytska, R.I. Khalilov, O.V. Smutok, O.M. Demkiv, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, M.V. Gonchar. Construction of amperometric laccase-based biosensors using the ureasil and photocross-linked polymers // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2019, V.4, #3, P.137-149. (DOAJ; Open Access)
  40. Liu, Y. Zhuang, J. Han, J. Ruan, X. Zhao, T. Kavetskyy. Enhanced ~1.8 mm photoluminescence under blue light excitation in Tm-Bi co-doped germanate glass and its temperature dependence // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2019, V.525, P.119645(1-7). (IF = 2.600, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
  41. G. Evtugin, A.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov, A.L. Stepanov. Microstructuring substrates formed by ion implantation for analysis of small biomaterials // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2019, V.4, #2, P.63-72. (DOAJ; Open Access)
  42. Stronski, T. Kavetskyy, L. Revutska, I. Kaban, K. Shportko, J. Baran, M. Trzebiatowska. Stoichiometric deviations in bond distances in the mixed As2S3-As2Sesystem: Raman spectroscopy and EXAFS studies // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2019, V.521, P.119533(1-6). (IF = 2.600, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
  43. G. Evtugin, A.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov, A.L. Stepanov. New approach to create a counting grid by ion-mask implantation for analysis of small biological objects // Vacuum, 2019, V.165, P.320-323. (IF = 2.067, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics)
  44. Kavetskyy, N. Stasyuk, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, Y. Kukhazh, N. Hoivanovych, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, T. Petkova, M. Gonchar. Improvement of amperometric laccase biosensor using enzyme-immobilized gold nanoparticles coupling with ureasil polymer as a host matrix // Gold Bull., 2019, V.52, #2, P.79-85. (IF = 1.767, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.53, Q2 – Inorganic Chemistry)
  45. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, K. Zubrytska, N. Hoivanovych, M. Gonchar. Dependence of operational parameters of laccase-based biosensors on structure of photocross-linked polymers as holding matrixes // Eur. Polym. J., 2019, V.115, P.391-398. (IF = 3.741, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.97, Q1 – Materials Chemistry)
  46. Kavetskyy, M.O. Liedke, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, L. Meshi, I. Dahan, J. Vacik, P. Horak, D. Fuks, N. Mykytenko, A. Kiv. Formation of heavy clusters in ion-irradiated compounds // Vacuum, 2019, V.164, P.149-152. (IF = 2.067, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics)
  47. Smutok, M. Karkovska, T. Prokopiv, T. Kavetskyy, W. Sibirnyj, M. Gonchar. D-lactate-selective amperometric biosensor based on the mitochondrial fraction of Ogataea polymorpha recombinant cells // Yeast, 2019, V.36, #5, P.341-348, DOI:10.1002/yea.3372. (IF = 2.283, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.87, Q2 – Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology)
  48. I. Khalilov, T.S. Kavetskyy, V.A. Serezhenkov, A.N. Nasibova, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Davaran, M. Pourhassan Moghaddam, S. Saghfi, N.A. Tkachev, M. Milani, M. Kouhi, O. Šauša, S.Ya. Voloshanska. Detection of manganese-containing enzymes and magnetic nanoparticles in Juniperus communis and related biomaterials by ESR spectroscopy // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2018, V.3, #3, P.167-175. (DOAJ; Open Access)
  49. Akbarzadeh, R. Khalilov, E. Abasi, T. Kafshdooz, R. Herizchi, T. Kavetskyy, S. Saghfi, A.N. Nasibova, S. Davaran. Role of dendrimers in advanced drug delivery and biomedical applications: A review // Exp. Oncol., 2018, V.40, #3, P.1-6. (Scopus, SJR = 0.37, Q3 – Oncology)
  50. Samadishadlou, M. Farshbal, N. Annabi, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, S. Saghfi, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Mousavi. Magnetic carbon nanotubes: preparation, physical properties, and applications in biomedicine // Artif. Cells, Nanomed. Biotechnol., 2018, V.46, #7, P.1314-1330. (IF = 3.026, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Biomedical Engineering; Open Access)
  51. Akbarzadeh, L. Kafshdooz, Z. Razban, A.D. Tbrizi, S. Rasoulpour, R. Khalilov, T. Kavetskyy, S. Saghfi, A.N. Nasibova, S. Kaamyabi, T. Kafshdooz. An overview application of silver nanoparticles in inhibition of herpes simplex virus // Artif. Cells, Nanomed. Biotechnol., 2018, V.46, #2, P.263-267, DOI:10.1080/21691401.2017.1307208. (IF = 3.026, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Biomedical Engineering; Open Access)
  52. Hassanpour, Y. Panahi, A. Ebrahimi-Kalan, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Davaran, R. Khalilov, T. Kavetskyy. Biomedical applications of aluminum oxide nanoparticles // Micro & Nano Letters, 2018, V.13, #9, P.1227-1231. (IF = 0.841, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.24, Q3 – Bioengineering)
  53. Kafshdooz, H. Pourfathi, A. Akbarzadeh, T. Kafshdooz, Z. Razban, R. Sheervalilou, N. Ebrahimi Sadr, R. Khalilov, S. Saghfi, T. Kavetskyy, L. Mammadova, M. Mehrizadeh, S. Ghasemali. The role of microRNAs and nanoparticles in ovarian cancer: a review // Artif. Cells, Nanomed. Biotechnol., 2018, V.46(sup2), P.241-247. (IF = 3.026, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Biomedical Engineering)
  54. Parida, S. Saghfi, A. Eivazi, A. Akbarzadeh, T. Kavetskyy, I. Aliyeva, R. Khalilov. Study of genetic advance and broad sense heritability for grain yield and yield components of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) genotypes // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2018, V.3, #1, P.5-12. (DOAJ; Open Access)
  55. Kavetskyy, O. Šauša, K. Čechová, H. Švajdlenková, I. Maťko, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, O. Smutok, Y. Kukhazh, M. Gonchar. Network properties of ureasil-based polymer matrixes for construction of amperometric biosensors as probed by PALS and swelling experiments // Acta Phys. Pol., A, 2017, V.132, #5, P.1515-1518. (IF = 0.857, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  56. S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Comments on the “Metallic nanoparticles (Cu, Ag, Au) in chalcogenide and oxide glassy matrices …” // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 20(1), p. 26-33 (2017) // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2017, V.20, #4, P.481-482. (Open Access)
  57. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, O. Demkiv, H. Klepach, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, P. Petkov, A.L. Stepanov. Laccase-containing ureasil-polymer composite as the sensing layer of an amperometric biosensor // J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2017, V.134, P.45278(1-7). (IF = 1.901, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.55, Q1 – Polymers and Plastics)
  58. Trzciński, T. Kavetskyy, G. Telbiz, A.L. Stepanov. Optical characterization of nanocomposite polymer formed by ion implantation of boron // J. Mater. Sci. Mater. El., 2017, V.28, P.7115-7120. (IF = 2.019, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.49, Q2 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
  59. Kavetskyy, K. Iida, Y. Nagashima, A. Kuczumow, O. Šauša, V. Nuzhdin, V. Valeev, A.L. Stepanov. High-dose boron and silver ion implantation into PMMA probed by slow positrons: Effects of carbonization and formation of metal nanoparticles // JPhys.: ConfSer., 2017, V.791, P.012028(1-4). (Scopus, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  60. Ahmadkhani, A. Baghban, S. Mohammadpoor, R. Khalilov, A. Akbarzadeh, T. Kavetskyy, S. Saghfi, A.N. Nasibova. Synthesis and evaluation of a triblock copolymer/ZnO nanoparticles from poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(acrylic acid) as a potential drug delivery carrier // Drug Res., 2017, V.67, P.1-11. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.44, Q3 – Drug Discovery; Open Access)
  61. S. Kavetskyy. Long-term radiation-induced optical darkening effects in chalcogenide glasses // SemicondPhysQuant. ElectronOptoelectron., 2016, V.19, #4, P.395-398. (Open Access)
  62. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, A.L. Stepanov. Nanoindentation test of radiation-modified As2S3 glass after 60Co gamma-irradiation // J. Chin. Ceram. Soc., 2016, V.44, #11, P.1636-1640. (Scopus; Open Access)
  63. Kavetskyy, J. Nowak, J. Borc, J. Rusnák, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov. Carbonization in boron-ion-implanted polymethylmethacrylate as revealed from Raman spectroscopy and electrical measurements // Spectrosc. Lett., 2016, V.49, #1, P.5-10. (IF = 0.794, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.25, Q3 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
  64. S. Kavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov, R. Borc, J. Ren, G. Chen. Compositional response of positron annihilation parameters in multicomponent chalcohalide glasses // Adv. Nat. Sci.: Theory Appl., 2015, V.4, #2, P.47-55. (Open Access)
  65. L. Stepanov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, M.F. Galyautdinov, E.V. Nuzhdin, I.R. Safina, T.S. Kavetskyy. Structure and plasmonic properties of PMMA layers with ion-synthesized silver nanoparticles for optoelectronics // Int. J. Appl. Fund. Res., 2015, #8, P.676-681. (in Russian)
  66. A.L. Stepanov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, V.V. Vorobev, T.SKavetskyy, Y.N. Osin. Synthesis of porous silicon by ion implantation // Adv. Mater. Sci., 2015, V.40, P.155-164. (IF = 1.245, Scopus, SJR = 0.54, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics; Open Access)
  67. S. Kavetskyy, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, Y.N. Osin, A.L. Stepanov. Optical properties of the synthesized ZnO with ion implanted silver nanoparticles // Pis’ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2015, V.41, #11, P.48-55 (Tech. Phys. Lett., 2015, V.41, #6, P.537-539). (IF = 0.702, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.4, Q2 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
  68. S. Kavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, L.I. Pankiv, O.M. Dubyk-Pihur, T. Petkova, P. Petkov, H. Eckert, A.L. Stepanov. On the concentrations of magnetically ordered clusters and paramagnetic centers per magnetic cluster in Ag/AgI-As2S3 glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2014, V.16, #11-12, P.1317-1321. (IF = 0.563, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  69. S. Kavetskyy. Radiation-induced optical darkening and oxidation effects in As2S3 glass // SemicondPhysQuant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2014, V.17, #3, P.308-312. (Open Access)
  70. T.SKavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, S.Ya. Voloshanska, O. Šauša, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, Y.N. Osin, A.L. Stepanov. Low-temperature positron annihilation study of B+-ion implanted PMMA. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2014, V.40, #8, P.959-963 (Low Temp. Phys., 2014, 40, #8, P.747-751). (IF = 0.786, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.31, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  71. TKavetskyy, V. Tsmots, A. Kinomura, Y. Kobayashi, R. Suzuki, H.F.M. Mohamed, O. Šauša, V. Nuzhdin, V. Valeev, A.L. Stepanov. Structural defects and positronium formation in 40 keV B+-implanted polymethylmethacrylate // JPhysChemB, 2014, V.118, #15, 4194-4200. (IF = 3.302, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.11, Q1 – Materials Chemistry)
  72. T.SKavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov. On the application of methods of positron annihilation spectroscopy for studying radiation-stimulated processes in chalcogenide glassy semiconductors // Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 2014, V.48, #1, P.11-14 (Semiconductors, 2014, V.48, #1, P.9-12). (IF = 0.739, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.31, Q3 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
  73. A.L. Stepanov, X. Xiao, F. Ren, TKavetskyy, Y.N. Osin. Catalytic and biological sensitivity of TiOand SiOmatrices with silver nanoparticles created by ion implantation: A review // Adv. Mater. Sci., 2013, V.34, P.107-122. (IF = 1.287, Scopus, SJR = 0.54, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics; Open Access)
  74. A.A. Trifonov, Y.N. Osin, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, T.SKavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Nontraditional approach for production of nanoporous silicon by implantation with metal ions // Nanotekhnologii: nauka i proizvodstvo, 2013, V.4, #25, P.46-52. (in Russian)
  75. TKavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov, V.V. Bazarov, V. Tsmots, J. Ren, G. Chen, X. Zhao. Comparative study of optical properties of polarizing oxide glasses with silver nanorods and chalcogenide glasses with copper nanoparticles // Physics Procedia, 2013, V.48, P.191-195. (Scopus, SJR = 0.25)
  76. S. Kavetskyy. Modified correlation equation in the FSDP-related void-based model for As2S(Se)3 chalcogenide glasses // SemicondPhysQuant. ElectronOptoelectron., 2013, V.16, #2, P.136-139. (Open Access)
  77. T.SKavetskyy, M.F. Galyautdinov, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, Yu.N. Osin, A.B. Evlyukhin, A.L. Stepanov. The formation of periodic diffractive plasmonic nanostructures with implanted copper nanoparticles by local ion etching of silica glass // Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki2013, V.39, #13, P.17-23 (TechPhysLett.2013, V.39, #7, P.591-593). (IF = 0.583, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.4, Q2 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
  78. T.SKavetskyy. Radiation-induced structural changes in chalcogenide glasses as revealed from Raman spectroscopy measurements // SemicondPhysElectron. Optoelectron., 2013, V.16, #1, P.27-36. (Open Access)
  79. TKavetskyy, J. Borc, P. Petkov, K. Kolev, T. Petkova, V. Tsmots. Reply on the “critical comments on speculations with … free-volume defects … in ion-conducting Ag/AgI-As2S3..” // Solid State Ionics, 2013, V.233, P.107-109. (IF = 2.112, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.81, Q1 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
  80. A.L. Stepanov, E.A. Evlyukhin, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, Y.N. Osin, A.B. Evlyukhin, R. Kiyan, T.SKavetskyy, B.N. Chichkov. Synthesis of periodic plasmonic microstructures with copper nanoparticles in silica glass by low-energy ion implantation // Phys. A-Mater., 2013, V.111, P.261-264. (IF = 1.694, Scopus, SJR = 0.42, Q2 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
  81. TKavetskyy, O. Šauša, J. Krištiak, T. Petkova, P. Petkov, V. Boev, N. Lyadov, A. Stepanov. New organic-inorganic hybrid ureasil-based polymer materials studied by PALS and SEM techniques // Sci. Forum, 2013, V.733, P.171-174. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.17, Q3 – Materials Science (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  82. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, K. Sangwal, V. Tsmots, J. Filipecki, M. Iovu. Vickers microhardness testing of indentation size effect in some metal-modified chalcogenide glasses // Adv. Nat. Sci.: Theory Appl., 2012, V.1, #2, P.183-196. (Open Access)
  83. T.SKavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, A.L. Stepanov. Radiation/annealing-induced structural changes in GexAs40xS60 glasses as revealed from high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements // SemicondPhysElectronOptoelectron., 2012, V.15, #4, P.310-320. (Open Access)
  84. TKavetskyy, N. Lyadov, V. Valeev, V. Tsmots, T. Petkova, V. Boev, P. Petkov, A.L. Stepanov. New organic-inorganic hybrid ureasil-based polymer and glass-polymer composites with ion-implanted silver nanoparticles // Status Solidi C, 2012, V.9, #12, P.2444-2447. (IF = 0.81, Scopus, SJR = 0.28, Q3 – Condensed Matter Physics)
  85. TKavetskyy, V. Tsmots, O. Šauša, L. Stepanov. Structural modification of chalcogenide glasses by gamma-irradiation studied with DBAL technique // Phys. Status Solidi C, 2012, V.9, #12, P.2420-2423. (IF = 0.81, Scopus, SJR = 0.28, Q3 – Condensed Matter Physics)
  86. S. Kavetskyy, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.M. Tsmots, A.L. Stepanov. Optical properties of chalcogenide glasses with ion-synthesized copper nanoparticles // Pis’ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2012, V.38, #23, P.11-18 (Tech. Phys. Lett., 2013, V.39, #1, P.1-4). (IF = 0.583, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.4, Q2 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
  87. A. Chrissanthopoulos, P. Jóvári, I. Kaban, S. Gruner, TKavetskyy, J. Borc, W. Wang, J. Ren, G. Chen, S.N. Structure of AgI-doped Ge-In-S glasses: Experiment, reverse Monte Carlo modelling, and density functional calculations // J. Solid State Chem., 2012, V.192, P.7-15. (IF = 2.04, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.59, Q2 – Ceramics and Composites)
  88. M. Tsmots, T.S. Kavetskyy, L.I. Pankiv. Investigation of radiation-stimulated processes in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors by magnetic susceptibility measurement method // Urgent Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 2011, #3, P.16-20. (in Ukrainian)
  89. TKavetskyy, J. Borc, K. Sangwal. Study of indentation microhardness of bismuth-doped As2Se3 glasses // Adv. Mater., 2011, V.5, #7, P.755-760. (IF = 0.304, Scopus, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  90. Sangwal, J. Borc, T. Kavetskyy. Study of microindentation cracks in bismuth-doped arsenic selenide glasses // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2011, V.357, P.3117-3122. (IF = 1.537, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
  91. TKavetskyy, I. Kaban, O. Shpotyuk, W. Hoyer, V. On the structural-optical correlations in radiation-modified chalcogenide glasses // JPhys.: ConfSer., 2011, V.289, P.012007(1-6). (Scopus, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
  92. TKavetskyy, J. Borc, P. Petkov, K. Kolev, T. Petkova. Free-volume defects and microstructure in ion-conducting Ag/AgI-As2S3 glasses as revealed from positron annihilation and microhardness measurements // Solid State Ionics, 2011, 183, #1, P.16-19. (IF = 2.646, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.81, Q1 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
  93. S. Kavetskyy. Impact of the sample thickness and g-irradiation dose on the occurrence of radiation-induced optical effects in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors of the Ge-Sb-S system // Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov2011, V.45, #4, P.506-509 (Semiconductors, 2011, V.45, #4, P.499-502). (IF = 0.627, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.31, Q3 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
  94. TKavetskyy, J. Borc, K. Sangwal, V. Tsmots. Indentation size effect and Vickers microhardness measurement of metal-modified arsenic chalcogenide glasses // Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2010, V.12, #10, P.2082-2091. (IF = 0.412, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  95. TKavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, J. Filipecki, M. Iovu. Structural study of (As2S3)6(GeS2)0.4 glass // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2009, V.355, P.1801-1806. (IF = 1.252, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
  96. TKavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, G. Dovbeshko, I. Blonskyy, V. Tsmots. IR optical properties of As32Sb8S60 chalcogenide glass and effect of g-irradiation // Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies, 2009, V.2, P.22-25. (Open Access)
  97. Kavetskyy. Structural compress of vitreous As2S3 induced by g-irradiation // Visnyk Lviv Univ.SerPhysic., 2009, #43, P.238-242.
  98. Kavetskyy, Ya. Shpotyuk. Medium-range ordering effects in pseudo-binary vitreous As2S3-Sb2S3: conventional XRD analysis // Visnyk Lviv Univ.SerPhysic., 2009, #43, P.179-184.
  99. TKavetskyy, I. Kaban, O. Shpotyuk, W. Hoyer, J. Filipecki, V. Tsmots. On the correlation between FSDP and PALS parameters in As-Se chalcogenide glasses // Non-Oxide and Photonic Glasses, 2009, V.1, #1, P.19-23. (Open Access)
  100. TKavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, V. Balitska, G. Dovbeshko, I. Blonskyy, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, M. Iovu, A. Andriesh. Vibrational and structural properties of unmodified and radiation-modified chalcogenide glasses for advanced optical applications // SPIE, 2008, V.7142, P.71420B(1-8). (Scopus, WoS)
  101. S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, P.G. Litovchenko, V.M. Tsmots. Radiation modification of fragility of chalcogenide glass structural network // Technology & Design in Electronic Devices, 2008, V.6, #78, P.58-59. (in Russian)
  102. TKavetskyyO. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer. Radiation-modified structure of Ge25Sb15S60 and Ge35Sb5S60 glasses // JСhem, 2008, V.128, #24, P.244514(1-8). (IF = 3.149, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.16, Q1 – Medicine (miscellaneous))
  103. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer. Atomic- and void-species nanostructures in chalcogenide glasses modified by high-energy g-irradiation // J. Optoelectron. AdvM., 2007, V.9, #10, P.3247-3252. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  104. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, M. Popescu, A. Lorinczi, F. Sava. FSDP-related correlations in chalcogenide glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2007, V.9, #10, P.3079-3081. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  105. T.SKavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, V.T. Boyko. Void-species nanostructure in chalcogenide glasses studied with FSDP-related XRD // Phys. Chem. Solids, 2007, V.68, P.712-715. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
  106. TKavetskyy, M. Vakiv, O. Shpotyuk. Charged defects in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors studied with combined Raman scattering and PALS methods // Meas., 2007, V.42, P.712-714. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.6, Q2 – Instrumentation)
  107. TKavetskyy, Shpotyuk, V. Boyko, J. Filipecki, M. Popescu. On the origin of nanovoids in binary chalcogenide glasses studied by FSDP-related XRD, PALS and Monte-Carlo simulation // Visnyk Lviv Univ., Ser. Physic., 2007, #40, P.153-158.
  108. O. Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskiy, Filipecki, T. Kavetskyy, M. Popescu. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy as experimental probe of free volume concepts in network glasses // Phys. Chem. Glasses B, 2006, V.47, #2, P.131-135. (Scopus, SJR = 0.25, Q3 – Condensed Matter Physics)
  109. O. Shpotyuk, A. Kozdras, TKavetskyy, J. Filipecki. On the correlation between void-species structure of vitreous arsenic selenide studied with X-ray diffraction and positron annihilation techniques // Non-Cryst. Solids, 2006, V.352, P.700-703. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
  110. S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, A.P. Kovalskiy, V.M. Tsmots. Structural-chemical approach for compositional dependences of g-induced optical effects in chalcogenide glasses of Ge-Sb-S system // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2005, V.7. #5, P.2299-2308. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  111. S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk. Nanostructural voids in glassy-like As2Se3 studied with FSDP-related xrd and pals techniques // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2005, V.7. #5, P.2267-2273. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  112. O.I. Shpotyuk, A.P. Kovalskiy, T.S. Kavetskyy, R.Ya. Golovchak. Threshold restoration effects in g-irradiated chalcogenide glasses // Non-Cryst. Solids, 2005, V.351, P.993-997. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
  113. Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak, O. Shpotyuk, J. Filipecki, J. Swiatek. On the compositional trends in IR impurity absorption of Ge-As(Sb)-S chalcogenide glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2004, V.5. #6, P.1141-1146. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  114. Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak, O. Shpotyuk, J. Filipecki, J. Swiatek. Compositional trends in impurity absorption spectra of Ge-As(Sb)-S chalcogenide glasses // Chalcogenide Letters, 2004, V.1. #10, P.125-130. (SJR = 0.28, Q3 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
  115. Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskiy, T. Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak, M. Popescu. Chemical interaction of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors with absorbed impurities induced by g-irradiation // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2003, V.5, #5, P.1181-1185. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  116. Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskiy, T. Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak. Post-irradiation thermally stimulated recovering effects in some ternary chalcogenide glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2003, V.5, #5, P.1169-1179. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
  117. I. Shpotyuk, R.Ya. Golovchak, A.P. Kovalskiy, T.S. Kavetskyy. Time and temperature stability of radiation-induced changes of optical properties in ternary systems of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors // Functional Materials, 2003, V.10, #2, P.317-321.
  118. I. Shpotyuk, J. Filipecki, A. Kozdras, T.S. Kavetskyy. Radiation-induced defect formation in chalcogenide glasses // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2003, V.326-327, P.268-272. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
  119. Kovalskiy, T. Kavetskyy, J. Plewa, O. Shpotyuk. Interpretation of radiation-induced phenomena in chalcogenide glasses of Ge-Sb-S system using free volume and covalent chemical bonds concepts // Solid State Phenomena, 2003, V.90-91, P.241-246. (Scopus, SJR = 0.17, Q3 – Materials Science (miscellaneous))
  120. I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy. Phenomenological model of radiation-induced optical effects in Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses // Proc. SPIE, 2003, V.5122, P.95-103. (Scopus, WoS)
  121. Shpotyuk, V. Balitska, M. Vakiv, R. Golovchak, T. Kavetskyy, A. Kovalskiy, A. Matkovskii. Radiation-induced phenomena in vitreous chalcogenide semiconductors (short review) // Visnyk National University “Lviv Polytechnics”. Electronics, 2002, #459, P.179-193.
  122. I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, R.V. Lutziv, V. Pamukchieva. Radiation-induced changes in optical transmission in vitreous semiconductors of the GexSb40-xS60 system // Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. J. Phys.), 2001, V.46, #4, P.495-498.
  123. I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, V. Pamukchieva. IR optical properties of Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses and effect of gamma-irradiation // Proc. SPIE, 2001, V.4415, P.272-277. (Scopus, WoS)
  124. I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, V. Pamukchieva. Gamma-irradiation effect on the optical properties of GexSb40-xS60 chalcogenide glasses // Proc. SPIE, 2001, V.4415, P.278-283. (Scopus, WoS)
  125. Kavetskyy, R. Lutziv. The concentration dependences of microhardness of Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses // Visnyk Lviv Univ., Ser. Physic., 2000, #33, P.144-149.
  126. S. Kavetskii, V.D. Pamukchieva, O.I. Shpotyuk. Concentration dependence of impurity absorption in chalcogenide glasses of the Ge-Sb-S system // Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk., 2000, V.67, #4, P.499-502 (J. Appl. Spectrosc., 2000, V.67, #4, P.687-692). (WoS, SJR = 0.18, Q4 – Condensed Matter Physics)
  127. Kavetskyy. The influence of gamma-irradiation on the IR optical transmission spectra of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors of Ge-Sb-S system // J. Phys. Studies, 2000, V.4, #3, P.350-354. (SJR = 0.17, Q4 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
  128. I. Shpotyuk, R.Ya. Golovchak, T.S. Kavetsky, A.P. Kovalskiy, M.M. Vakiv. Radiation-optical effects in glassy Ge-As(Sb)-S systems // Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B, 2000, V.166-167, P.517-520. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.52, Q2 – Instrumentation)
  129. S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, V.D. Pamukchieva, O.I. Shpotyuk. IR impurity absorption in Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses // Infrared Phys. Techn., 2000, V.41, #1, P.41-45. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.51, Q2 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)

Редагування монографій, монографії

  1. Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. “Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors”, Edited by N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, in press.
  2. Professor Rovshan Khalilov “Doctor Honoris Causa of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University”, Edited by S. Voloshanska, A. Kiv, Kavetskyy, A. Nasibova, A. Eftekhari, Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, 80 p.
  3. K. Sharma, H. Nosrati, T. Kavetskyy. Harnessing Materials for X-ray based Cancer Therapy and Imaging, Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, accepted proposal.
  4. Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 5. “Health and Nanobiotechnology”, Edited by N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, R. Khalilov, Drohobych: Kolo, 2020, 212 p.
  5. Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. “Health and Biosensors”, Edited by N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, 237 p.

Розділи у монографіях

  1. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, Y. Kukhazh, O. Mushynska, O. Demkiv, N. Stasyuk, E. Leonenko, S. Voloshanska, A. Kiv, M. Gonchar. Biosensors and bioreactors based on laccase for environmental applications // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 8, in press.
  2. Fink, A. Kiv, L. Alfonta, H. Garcia-Arellano, G. Muñoz Hernandez, J. Vacik, V. Hnatowicz, Y. Bondaruk, N. Stebeletska, T. Kavetskyy. Improving the design of ion track-based biosensors // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 7, in press.
  3. Fink, J. Vacik, L. Alfonta, W.R. Fahrner, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv. Biosensors with nuclear tracks and embedded membranes // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 6, in press.
  4. García-Arellano, V. Švorčík, J. Vacík, V. Smatko, A. Kiv, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, S. Voloshanska, L. Alfonta, Y. Mandabi, J. Dias, C. Souza, G. Muñoz Hernández, D. Fink. Nuclear biotechnology // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 5, in press.
  5. V. Smutok, K.V. Dmytruk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.A. Sibirny, M.V. Gonchar. Flavocytochrome b2 of the methylotrophic yeast Ogataea polymorpha: Construction of overproducers, purification and bioanalytical application // In: Flavin and Flavoproteins. Methods in Molecular Biology (M. Barile, ed.), New York, NY: Springer, 2021, Chapter 16, V.2280, P.249-260.
  6. Ahmadian, A. Eftekhari, T. Kavetskyy, Y. Voloshanskyy, H. Mohammaddoust, M. Rameshrad, M. Rameshrad, M. Samiei, F. Abdol Abadi, O. Shakalets, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Davaran, R. Khalilov. The application of nanotechnology in cancer treatment // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 5. Health and Nanobiotechnology” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, R. Khalilov, eds.), Drohobych: Kolo, 2020, Chapter 5, P.49-64.
  7. Kavetskyy, S. Davaran, R. Khalilov, A. Akbarzadeh, A. Eftekhari, A. Nasibova, S. Voloshanska, Y. Kukhazh, M. Kravtsiv, O. Mushynska, O. Shakalets, V. Krasnevych, Z. Maghsoudi, M. Hosainzadegan, H. Hosainzadegan. Nanoparticles as an emerging health solution for viral infections especially COVID-19 // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 5. Health and Nanobiotechnology” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, R. Khalilov, eds.), Drohobych: Kolo, 2020, Chapter 4, P.44-48.
  8. Kavetskyy, D. Fink, A. Kiv, Yu. Bondaruk, O. Šauša, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar. Polymer lattice and track nanostructures to create novel biosensors // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Advanced Nanomaterials for Detection of CBRN (J. Bonca, S. Kruchinin, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 19, P.267-273. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2030-2
  9. Kavetskyy, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite, M. Gonchar. Novel photocross-linked polymers for construction of laccase-based amperometric biosensors // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats” (P. Petkov, M.E. Achour, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 24, P.303-310. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2018-0_24
  10. Kavetskyy, O. Zubrytska, L. Pan’kiv, R. Khalilov, A. Nasibova, A. Akbarzadeh, A. Pryima, N. Stebeletska, S. Voloshanska. Use of magnetic susceptibility measurement for analysis of self-organized magnetic nanoparticles in biological systems // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats” (P. Petkov, M.E. Achour, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 17, P.215-221. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2018-0_17
  11. Leonenko, G. Telbiz, T. Kavetskyy, N. Kukhtarev, A. Glushchenko. Design of mesoscopic ordered titania and silica hybrid sol-gel films as planar waveguide // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats” (P. Petkov, M.E. Achour, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 11, P.131-137. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2018-0_11
  12. Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, M. Starchevskyy, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, M. Gonchar. Novel polymer matrixes for construction of laccase-based amperometric biosensors as probed by positrons and swelling // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. Health and Biosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, Chapter 4, P.45-56.
  13. Demkiv, O. Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, S. Banah, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, H. Klepach, M. Gonchar. Laccase as a perspective tool for monitoring and detoxication of phenolic environmental pollutions // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. “Health and Biosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, Chapter 2, P.21-34.
  14. Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, M. Kravtsiv, O. Mushynska, O. Nykolaishyn-Dytso, R. Serkiz, S. Voloshanska, M. Gonchar. Non-invasive L-lactate analysis of human liquids using a third generation biosensor based on gold nanolayer and flavocytochrome b2 // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. “Health and Biosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, Chapter 1, P.8-20.
  15. Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, N. Stasyuk, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, I. Pan’kiv, O. Kulinska, V. Kavchak, M. Gonchar, A. Stepanov. Using metal nanoparticles in biosensing // In: Acta Carpathica 31-32 (J. Gąsior, S. Voloshanska, B. Alvarez, N. Hoivanovych, V. Fil, V. Stakhiv, eds.), Rzeszów: Department of Soil Science, Environmental Chemistry and Hydrology Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, University of Rzeszоw with Faculty of Biology and Natural Science, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, P.97-106.
  16. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, V. Serezhenkov, A. Nasibova, N. Tkachev, S. Voloshanska. The intensity of ESR signals detected in Juniperus communis and related biomaterials in dependence on temperature and microwave power // In: Acta Carpathica 29-30 (J. Gąsior, S. Voloshanska, B. Alvarez, N. Noivanovych, V. Fil, V. Stachiv, eds.), Rzeszów-Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, Drohobych: Posvit, 2018, P.89-100.
  17. S. Kavetskyy, M.O. Liedke, N. Srinivasan, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, A.L. Stepanov. Polymer nanocomposites with silver nanoparticles formed by low-energy ion implantation: Slow positron beam spectroscopy studies // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN” (J. Bonca, S. Kruchinin, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 21, P.293-300. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
  18. S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov, O.O. Voloshanska, L.M. Kropyvnytska, T.M. Beyba, V.A. Serezhenkov, A.N. Nasibova, A. Akbarzadeh, S.Ya. Voloshanska. Self-organized magnetic nanoparticles in plant systems: ESR detection and perspectives for biomedical applications // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 48, P.487-492. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  19. S. Kavetskyy, H. Švajdlenková, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, K. Čechová, I. Maťko, N. Hoivanovych, O. Dytso, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva. Swelling behavior of organic-inorganic ureasil-based polymers // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 32, P.333-338. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  20. S. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, O. Šauša, Y. Kukhazh, H. Švajdlenková, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva. Ureasil-based polymer matrices as sensitive layers for the construction of amperometric biosensors // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 30, P.309-316. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  21. Trzciński, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Optical band gap and carbon clusters in PMMA nanocomposite films formed by ion implantation: Boron, helium, and xenon ions // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 7, P.55-59. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  22. S. Kavetskyy, K.V. Zubrytska, A.V. Stronski, L.I. Pan’kiv, P. Petkov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, A.M. Rogov, Y.N. Osin, A.S. Morozova, A.L. Stepanov. Formation of a periodic structure in chalcogenide film substrate by silver ion implantation // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 6, P.49-54. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  23. S. Kavetskyy, M.M. Kravtsiv, G.M. Telbiz, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, A.L. Stepanov. Surface plasmon resonance band of ion-synthesized Ag nanoparticles in high dose Ag:PMMA nanocomposite films // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 5, P.43-47. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  24. T.SKavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Ion-irradiation-induced carbon nanostructures in optoelectronic polymer materials // In: “Radiation Effects in Materials” (W.A. Monteiro, ed.), Rijeka: InTech, 2016, Chapter 11, P.287-308.
  25. T.SKavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Effects of gamma-irradiation and ion implantation in chalcogenide glasses // In: “Glass Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications” (B. Karmakar, K. Rademann, A.L. Stepanov, eds.), Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo: Elsevier Academic Press, 2016, Chapter 14, P.341-358. (Scopus)
  26. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, A. Nasibova, V. Serezhenkov, S. Voloshanska. EPR spectroscopy study of Juniperus communis of Carpathian region of Ukraine // In: Acta Carpathica 24 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Rzeszów-Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2015, P.124-129.
  27. Voloshanska, M. Kozar, T. Kavetskyy. Biological activity and nanostructural characterization of Juniperus communis and biomaterials on its basis: A short review // In: Acta Carpathica 23 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Rzeszów-Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2015, P.87-98.
  28. T.SKavetskyy, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, P. Petkov, A.V. Kukhta, A.L. Stepanov. Doppler broadening of the annihilation line study of organic-inorganic hybrid ureasil-based composites // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 9, P.85-90. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
  29. S. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, Y.Y. Kukhazh, A.L. Stepanov. The influence of low dose ion-irradiation on the mechanical properties of PMMA probed by nanoindentation // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 7, P.65-71. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
  30. S. Kavetskyy, S.Ya. Voloshanska, I.V. Komar, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov. Positron annihilation study of the Juniperus communis based biomaterial NEFROVIL // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 6, P.61-64. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
  31. S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Fabrication of nanoporous silicon by ion implantation // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 4, P.35-50. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
  32. TKavetskyy, S. Voloshanska, O. Sausa, T. Petkova, V. Boev, P. Petkov, A. Stepanov. Verification of spur reaction model in positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy applied to organic media // In: Acta Carpathica 21 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2014, P.109-114.
  33. T.SKavetskyy, S.Ya. Voloshanska, O. Sausa, A.L. Stepanov. Nanovoids topology in Juniperus communis of Carpathian region of Ukraine // In: Acta Carpathica 16 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Rzeszów: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2014, P.79-8
  34. T.SKavetskyy, O. Šauša, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, N.M. Lyadov, A.L. Raman, positron annihilation and Doppler broadening spectroscopy of gamma-irradiated and Cu-ion implanted Ge15.8As21S63.2 glass // InCoherent Optics and Optical Spectroscopy: XV International Junior Scientific School 24-26 October 2011: Book of Articles (М.Kh.Salakhov ed.), Kazan, Kazan. Univ., 2011, V.XV, 200 p., P.86-89.
  35. TKavetskyy, N. Pavlyukh, V. Tsmots, W. Wang, J. Ren, G. Chen, A. Stepanov. IR impurity absorption in GeS2-In2S3-AgI chalcohalide glasses // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors” (J.P. Riethmaier, P. Paunović, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, P. Petkov, eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2011, Chapter 25, P.231-234. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  36. TKavetskyy, K. Kolev, V. Boev, P. Petkov, T. Petkova, A. Stepanov. Nanovoids in glasses and polymers probed by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors” (J.P. Riethmaier, P. Paunović, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, P. Petkov, eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2011, Chapter 11, P.103-110. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  37. TKavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, J. Filipecki. Nanostructural characterization of amorphous chalcogenides by X-ray diffraction and positron annihilation techniques // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications” (J.P. Riethmaier, P. Petkov, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2009, 365-370. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
  38. TKavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, V. Tsmots. On the origin of the first sharp diffraction peak in chalcogenide glasses // In: Bulletin of Center of Chemotronic of Glass named after V.V. Tarasov #4, Reports of Scientific Session in occasion of 100 years after birthday of Professor B.T. Kolomiets, Moscow, 2008, P.112-115. (in Russian)
  39. O. Shpotyuk, TKavetskyy, J. Filipecki, A. Kovalskiy, V. Pamukchieva. Radiation-induced optical effects in Sb2S3-GeSchalcogenide glasses // In: Prace Naukowe. Chemia, Czestochowa: WSP, 2001, Volume 5, P.189-197.

Статті у звітах

  1. Kobayashi, T. Kavetskyy, A. Yabuuchi, A. Kinomura. Research on polymer composite materials containing ion-implanted metal nanoparticles using a slow positron beam // KURNS Report, 2021, P.R2104.
  2. Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, P. Jovari, W. Hoyer, M.v.Zimmermann, M.A. Webb. XRD and EXAFS study of stoichiometric arsenic-germanium sulphide glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2009, http://hasylab.desy.de/annual_report/files/2009/2009586.pdf.
  3. Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, W. Hoyer, A. Webb. EXAFS study of radiation modified arsenic selenide glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2008, http://hasylab.desy.de/annual_report/files/2008/200871.pdf.
  4. Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, P. Jovari, W. Hoyer, O. Shpotyuk, A. Schops, K. Rickers. Investigation of radiation-modified structure in GexSb40-xS60 glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2007, V.1, P.657-658.
  5. Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, P. Jovari, W. Hoyer, O. Shpotyuk, A. Schops, A. Webb. Investigation of the radiation-induced structural changes in chalcogenide glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2006, V.1, P.595-596.


  1. M. Tsmots, I.S. Pankiv, L.I. Pankiv, Yu.V. Pavlovskyy, V.V. Petrenko, T.S. Kavetskyy, D.V. Labovka, M.M. Luchkevych, R.V. Okhrymovych, V.P. Salan, M.V. Tsyuper. Equipment for measurement of magnetic susceptibility of materials // Patent of Ukraine #77284, Bull. #11, 15.11.2006. (in Ukrainian)

Науково-методичні праці

  1. S. Kavetskyy, A.M. Pryima, M.K. Starchevskyy. High-Molecular Compounds: Methodological Materials for Independent Work. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2019, 48 p. (in Ukrainian)
  2. M. Pryima, T.S. Kavetskyy, M.K. Starchevskyy. Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds: Methodological Materials for Practical Trainings. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2018, 32 p. (in Ukrainian)

Статті у матеріалах конференцій

  1. Kavetskyy, S. Voloshanska, A. Kiv. Determination of virucidal action of polymeric metal-containing film against mouse hepatitis coronavirus // Materials of IV Іnternational Scientific and Practical Conference, Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University “State of Natural Resources: Prospects for Their Preservation and Restoration in the Context of Sustainable Development” (Drohobych, Ukraine, 27-28 October, 2020), P.95-97. (in Ukrainian)
  2. S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov. Use of biosensors in environmental applications // Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Conference “Modern Trends in Biological Physics and Chemistry” (BPPC-2019) (Moscow, Russia, 21-24 November, 2019), P.105-106.
  3. Saghfi, A. Akbarzadeh, M. Rahimova, L. Mammadova, A. Eivazi, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov. Evaluation of physiological and biochemical traits of almond in saline conditions // Materials of the VI Congress of Biophysicists of Russia (Sochi, Russia, 16-21 September, 2019), V.2, P.92.
  4. Kavetskyy. Third generation amperometric enzyme biosensors with ureasil-based polymer matrixes: State-of-the-art and future prospects // Proceedings & Abstracts Book of Composite Materials Congress, Graphene & 2D Materials, Biosensors & Bioelectronics (Stockholm, Sweden, 10-13 June, 2019), DOI: 10.5185/cmc2019.
  5. Kavetskyy. Nanostructured ureasil-based polymer composites for construction of amperometric enzyme biosensors: State-of-the-art and future outlook // Materials of the International Meeting “Clusters and Nanostructured Materials (CNM-5’2018)” (Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 22-26 October, 2018), P.53-54.
  6. Kavetskyy, A. Kiv. Carbonization processes and formation of metal nanoparticles in ion-irradiated polymers and composite materials: Positron annihilation spectroscopy approach // Materials of the International Meeting “Clusters and Nanostructured Materials (CNM-5’2018)” (Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 22-26 October, 2018), P.38-39.
  7. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite. Amperometric enzyme biosensors based on novel organic-inorganic and photocross-linked polymers // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.190-192.
  8. Kavetskyy, K. Iida, Y. Nagashima, M.O. Liedke, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, A.L. Stepanov, L. Meshi, D. Fuks, A. Kiv. Ion-induced processes in polymers and composite materials: Positron annihilation spectroscopy study // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.187-189.
  9. S. Kavetskyy, K.V. Zubrytska, A.V. Stronski, L.I. Pan’kiv, P. Petkov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, A.M. Rogov, Y.N. Osin, A.S. Morozova, A.L. Stepanov, J. Ruan, H. Tao, X. Zhao. Fabrication of photonic crystal by ion implantation: Possibility to use a chalcogenide film substrate // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.71-73.
  10. S. Kavetskyy, M. Trzciński, M.M. Kravtsiv, K.V. Zubrytska, O.R. Mushynska, A.L. Stepanov. Optical properties of PMMA nanocomposites implanted by light and heavy ion // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.68-70.
  11. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva. Novel ureasil-based polymers for construction of amperometric enzyme biosensors // Proceedings & Abstracts Book of the Composite Materials Congress & Biosensors and Bioelectronics Materials Symposium 2018 (CMC-BBS 2018) (Stockholm, Sweden, 3-6 June, 2018), DOI: 10.5185/cmc2018.
  12. TKavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, M. Kravtsiv, K. Zubrytska, O. Mushynska, T. Beyba, А. Stepanov. SRIM simulation of low-energy ion bombardment into PMMA matrix // Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Laser Technologies. Lasers and Their Application” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 7-9 June, 2017), P.151-153.
  13. TKavetskyy, А. Stepanov. Ion-implanted polymer materials: State-of-the-art and future prospects // Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Laser Technologies. Lasers and Their Application” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 7-9 June, 2017), P.142-144.
  14. R. Khalilov, A. Nasibova, TKavetskyy. EPR signals in plant systems and their informative capacity for ecological research // Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Laser Technologies. Lasers and Their Application” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 7-9 June, 2017), P.130-132.
  15. L. Stepanov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy. Structure and plasmonic properties of PMMA layers with ion-implanted silver nanoparticles for diffraction grating sensors // Contributed Papers of the VIII International Conference Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT-8) (Minsk, Belarus, 14-18 September, 2015), V.1, P.220-223.
  16. S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Spectroscopic investigations of ion-induced processes in polymethylmethacrylate at low-energy boron-ion implantation // Proceedings of the XXII International Conference Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2015) (Moscow, Russia, 20-24 August, 2015), V.3, P.339-342.
  17. S. Kavetskyy, Y.Y. Kukhazh, J. Borc, A.L. Stepanov. Nanoindentation of boron-ion implanted polymethylmethacrylate up to 1100 nm indentation depth // Proceedings of the XXII International Conference “Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2015)” (Moscow, Russia, 20-24 August, 2015), V.2, P.132-135.
  18. R. Pikho, S. Voloshanska, TKavetskyy. Biological activity and nanostructural characterization of biomaterial Nefrovil // Materials of the III International Young Scientists and Students Scientific and Practical ConferenceBio– and Agrocenosises Modern State and Perspectives in the Constant Technogenic Pollution Circumstances (Drohobych, Ukraine, 15-17 October, 2014), 261-269. (in Ukrainian)
  19. A.N. Golubeev, S.I. Nikitin, T.SKavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Ion synthesis and optical properties of metal nanoparticles // Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific School “Science and Innovations – 2012 ISS «SI-2012»Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Seminar “Fundamental Investigations and Innovations” and Russian Junior Scientific Seminar “Science and Innovations – 2012” (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 23-29 July, 2012), P.42-46. (in Russian)
  20. Kavetskyy, Ya. Shpotyuk. FSDP-related XRD study of medium-range order in vitreous alloys of (As2S3)x(Sb2S3)1-x system // Proceedings of the XIV International Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Lviv, Ukraine, 1-4 June, 2008), P.148-154.
  21. Kavetskyy. On the g-irradiation-induced internal compression of structural network in vitreous As2S// Proceedings of the XIV International Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Lviv, Ukraine, 1-4 June, 2008), P.144-147.
  22. Ya. Golovchak, T.S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, A.P. Kovalskiy. IR spectroscopy study of ternary chalcogenide glasses // Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Glass and Ceramics (Varna, Bulgaria, 29 September – 1 October, 1999), P.181-186.
  23. I. Shpotyuk, R.Ya. Golovchak, T.S. Kavetskiy. IR optical fibers and sensors based on vitreous germanium and arsenic sulphoselenides // Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of IMAPS – Poland Chapter (Zakopane, Poland, 1-3 October, 1998), P.303-306.
  24. Kavetsky, O. Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskij, R. Lutziv, V. Pamukchieva. On the problem of microhardness concentration dependence in chalcogenide Ge-Sb-S glasses near topological structural-phase transition // Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Microelectronics Technologies and Microsystems (Lviv, Ukraine, 15-17 June, 1998), P.200-203.
  25. Hadzaman, T. Kavetskiy, Yu. Luzhetskiy, O. Mrooz. Influence of TiO2 excess on thermistor properties of barium titanate // Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics – Poland Chapter (Ustron, Poland, 5-8 October, 1997), P.165-167.