Кавецький Тарас Степанович – викладач, кандидат фізико-математичних наук, доцент, лауреат премії Президента України для молодих вчених
e-mail: kavetskyy@yahoo.com
1981-1991 рр. – навчання в СШ № 5 (м. Дрогобич).
1991-1996 рр. – навчання в Дрогобицькому державному педагогічному інституті імені Івана Франка, фізико-математичний факультет, денне відділення (м. Дрогобич).
1997-2000 рр. – навчання в аспірантурі (стаціонарно) в Львівському національному університеті імені Івана Франка, фізичний факультет, кафедра радіоелектронного матеріалознавства (м. Львів).
Червень 2002 р. – захистив кандидатську дисертацію на тему «Композиційні особливості радіаційно-індукованих явищ в халькогенідних склоподібних напівпровідниках потрійної системи Ge-Sb-S» на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата фізико-математичних наук зі спеціальності 01.04.10 – фізика напівпровідників і діелектриків (м. Львів).
Листопад 2002 р. – отримав диплом кандидата наук (м. Київ).
2009-2012 рр. – навчання в докторантурі (стаціонарно) в Дрогобицькому державному педагогічному університеті імені Івана Франка, Інститут фізики, математики та інформатики, кафедра теоретичної фізики і методики викладання фізики (м. Дрогобич).
Грудень 2008 р. – отримав почесне звання лауреата премії Президента України для молодих вчених (м. Київ).
Серпень 2019 р. – присвоєно вчене звання доцента кафедри біології та хімії (м. Дрогобич).
Грудень 2019 р. – отримав атестат доцента (м. Київ).
Трудова діяльність:
1996-1997 рр. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний інститут імені Івана Франка, інженер (м. Дрогобич).
2000-2001 рр. – ТзОВ спільне українсько-російське підприємство “Сенсор”, науковий співробітник (м. Дрогобич).
2001-2010 рр. – Науково-виробниче підприємство “Карат”, молодший науковий співробітник, науковий співробітник (м. Львів).
2003-2004 рр. – Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, фізичний факультет, завідувач лабораторії (м. Львів).
2004-2013 рр. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, старший науковий співробітник, провідний науковий співробітник науково-дослідного сектору (м. Дрогобич).
З 2013 р. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, доцент кафедри біології та хімії (м. Дрогобич).
З 2014 р. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, старший науковий співробітник науково-дослідного сектору (м. Дрогобич).
З 2015 р. – Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, доцент кафедри біології та хімії, доцент кафедри теоретичної та прикладної фізики і комп’ютерного моделювання (з 2021 р. – кафедра фізики), завідувач науково-дослідної лабораторії матеріалів твердотільної мікроелектроніки (з 2021 р. – науково-дослідна лабораторія матеріалів твердотільної мікроелектроніки імені професора В.М. Цмоця) (м. Дрогобич).
Статті у реферованих журналах
- S. Kavetskyy, V.N. Soloviev, R.I. Khalilov, V.A. Serezhenkov, L.I. Pan’kiv, I.S. Pan’kiv, A.N. Nasibova, N.K. Hoivanovych, A.S. Ivasivka, M.K. Starchevskyy, Y.V. Pavlovskyy, Y.V. Bondaruk, D.A. Dyachok, L.V. Bodnar, S.Y. Voloshanska. EPR study of self-organized magnetic nanoparticles in biomaterials // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2022, in press. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.19, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Open Access)
- G. Evtugin, A.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Counting grids for analysis of small biological objects // Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. Rapid Commun., 2022, in press. (IF = 0.48, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.2, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Stasyuk, G. Gayda, T. Kavetskyy, M. Gonchar. Nanozymes with reductase-like activities: antioxidant properties and electrochemical behavior // RSC Adv., 2022, V.12, P.2026-2035. (IF = 3.361, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q1 – Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous))
- Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, E. Katz. Recent trends in enzyme engineering aiming to improve bioelectrocatalysis proceeding with direct electron transfer // Curr. Opin. Electrochem., 2022, V.31, P.100856(1-7). (IF = 7.271, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.98, Q1 – Analytical Chemistry)
- Nosrati, E. Attari, F. Abhari, M. Barsbay, M. Ghaffarlou, N. Mousazadeh, R. Vaezi, T. Kavetskyy, H. Rezaeejam, T.J. Webster, B. Johari, H. Danafar. Complete ablation of tumors using synchronous chemoradiation with bimetallic theranostic nanoparticles // Bioact. Mater., 2022, V.7, P.74-84. (IF = 14.593, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 2.17, Q1 – Biomaterials; Open Access)
- O. Demkiv, N. Stasyuk, T. Kavetskyy, N. Grynchyshyn, A. Kiv, M. Gonchar. Construction of bioreactor for removing of the phenol compounds and biosensor for their assay // Acta Carpathica, 2021, V.1-2(35-36), in press.
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, M. Gonchar, A. Kiv. Improvement of amperometric biosensor with titanium dioxide nanoparticles // Acta Carpathica, 2021, V.1-2(35-36), in press.
- Nasibova, R. Khalilov, H. Abiyev, T. Kavetskyy, B. Trubitsin, C. Keskin, E. Ahmadian,A. Eftekhari. Study of endogenous paramagnetic centers in biological systems from different areas // Concepts Magn. Reson. Part B, Magn. Reson. Eng., 2021, V.2021, P.6787360(1-5). (IF = 1.176, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.29, Q3 – Physical and Theoretical Chemistry)
- Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, M. Gonchar, E. Katz. Microbial L- and D-lactate selective oxidoreductases as a very prospective but still uncommon tool in commercial biosensorics // ChemElectroChem, 2021, V.8, P.1-8. (IF = 4.590, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.18, Q1 – Electrochemistry)
- N. Nasibova, B.V. Trubitsin, T.S. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, I.S. Ahmadov, R.I. Khalilov. Formation of magnetic nanoparticles in plants under stress factors // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2021, V.6, #2, P.103-110. (DOAJ; Open Access)
- A.-M. Wu, C. Bisignano, S.L. James … Kavetskyy, et al. Global, regional, and national burden of bone fractures in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 // Lancet Healthy Longev., 2021, DOI:10.1016/S2666-7568(21)00172-0. (Scopus; Open Access)
- V. Stronski, T.S. Kavetskyy, L.O. Revutska, I. Kaban, P. Jóvári, K.V. Shportko, V.P. Sergienko, M.V. Popovych. The boson peak and the first sharp diffraction peak in (As2S3)x(GeS2)1-x glasses // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2021, V.24, #3, P.312-318. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.19, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Open Access)
- Stronski, T. Kavetskyy, L. Revutska, K. Shportko, M. Popovych, I. Kaban, P. Jóvári. Structural order in (As2S3)x(GeS2)1–x glasses // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2021, V.572, P.121075(1-10). (IF = 3.531, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.76, Q1 – Materials Chemistry)
- Gholipour, S. Shojaei, S. Rostamnia, M.R. Naimi-Jamal, D. Kim, T. Kavetskyy, N. Nouruzi, H.W. Jang, R.S. Varma, M. Shokouhimehr. Metal-free nanostructured catalysts: sustainable driving forces for organic transformations // Green Chem., 2021, V.23, P.6223-6272. (IF = 10.182, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 2.22, Q1 – Environmental Chemistry)
- A. Cromwell, J.C.P. Osborne, T.R. Unnasch, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Predicting the environmental suitability for onchocerciasis in Africa as an aid to elimination planning // PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis., 2021, V.15, #7, P.e0008824(1-23). (IF = 4.33, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.99, Q1 – Infectious Diseases; Open Access)
- A. Hassankhani, B. Gholipour, S. Rostamnia, N. Nouruzi, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, M. Shokouhimehr. Sustainable design and novel synthesis of highly recyclable magnetic carbon containing aromatic sulfonic acid: Fe3O4@C/Ph-SO3H as green solid acid promoted regioselective synthesis of tetrazoloquinazolines // Organomet. Chem., 2021, V.35, #10, P.e6346(1-10). (IF = 4.105, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.53, Q2 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
- Nosrati, Y. Baghdadchi, R. Abbasi, M. Barsbay, M. Ghaffarlou, F. Abhari, A. Mohammadi, T. Kavetskyy, S. Bochani, H. Rezaeejam, S. Davaran, H. Danafar. Iron oxide and gold bimetallic radiosensitizers for synchronous tumor chemoradiationtherapy in 4T1 breast cancer murine model // J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, V.9, P.4510-4522. (IF = 5.344, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.32, Q1 – Biomedical Engineering)
- Eftekhari, A. Arjmand, A. Asheghvatan, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, H. Abiyev, E. Ahmadian, O. Smutok, R. Khalilov, T. Kavetskyy, M. Cucchiarini. The potential application of magnetic nanoparticles for liver fibrosis theranostics // Front. Chem., 2021, V.9, P.674786(1-15). (IF = 5.221, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.85, Q1 – Chemistry (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, M. Alipour, O. Smutok, O. Mushynska, A. Kiv, D. Fink, F. Farshchi, E. Ahmadian, M. Hasanzadeh. Magneto-immunoassay of cancer biomarkers: Recent progress and challenges in biomedical analysis // Microchem. J., 2021, V.167, P.106320(1-13). (IF = 4.821, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q2 – Analytical Chemistry)
- Goździuk, B. Zgardzińska, T. Kavetskyy, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, O. Šauša, M. Lebedevaite, J. Ostrauskaite, A. Kiv. Nanostructure research and amperometric testing to determine the detection capabilities of biopolymer matrices based on acrylated epoxidized soybean oil // Acta Phys. Pol., A, 2021, V.139, #4, P.432-437. (IF = 0.857, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- Khoeini, H. Nosrati, A. Akbarzadeh, A. Eftekhari, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, E. Ahmadian, A. Nasibova, P. Datta, L. Roshangar, D.C. Deluca, S. Davaran, M. Cucchiarini, I.T. Ozbolat. Natural and synthetic bioinks for 3D bioprinting // Adv. NanoBiomed Res., 2021, V.1, P.2000097(1-19). (DOAJ; Open Access)
- Rashidzadeh, H. Danafar, H. Rahimi, F. Mozafari, M. Salehiabar, M.A. Rahmati, S. Rahamooz-Haghighi, N. Mousazadeh, A. Mohammadi, Y.N. Ertas, A. Ramazani, I. Huseynova, R. Khalilov, S. Davaran, T.J. Webster, T. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, H. Nosrati, M. Mirsaeidi. Nanotechnology against the novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2): diagnosis, treatment, therapy and future prospectives // Nanomedicine (Lond.), 2021, V.16, #6, P.497-516. (IF = 5.307, Scopus, SJR = 1.0, Q1 – Biomedical Engineering; Open Access)
- T. Kavetskyy, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, Y. Kukhazh, O. Smutok, Pan’kiv, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, D. Tatchev, G. Avdeev, E. Gericke, A. Hoell, S. Rostamnia, T. Petkova. Structural and free volume characterization of sol-gel organic-inorganic hybrids, obtained by co-condensation of two ureasilicate stoichiometric precursors // J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2021, V.138, P.e50615(1-10). (IF = 2.520, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q1 – Polymers and Plastics)
- Rahimi, M. Salehiabar, M. Barsbay, M. Ghaffarlou, T. Kavetskyy, A. Sharafi, S. Davaran, S.C. Chauhan, H. Danafar, S. Kaboli, H. Nosrati, M.M. Yallapu, J. Conde. CRISPR systems for COVID-19 diagnosis // ACS Sens., 2021, V.6, P.1430-1445. (IF = 7.333, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 2.15, Q1 – Bioengineering; Open Access)
- Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, T. Prokopiv, R. Serkiz, R. Wojnarowska-Nowak, O. Šauša, I. Novák, D. Berek, A. Melman, M. Gonchar. New micro/nanocomposite with peroxidase-like activity in construction of oxidases-based amperometric biosensors for ethanol and glucose analysis // Anal. Chim. Acta, 2021, V.1143, P.201-209. (IF = 6.558, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.4, Q1 – Analytical Chemistry)
- D. Steinmetz, R.R.A. Bourne, P.S. Briant, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study // Lancet Glob. Health, 2021, V.9, #2, P.e144-e160. (IF = 26.763, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 8.06, Q1 – Medicine (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- Kavetskyy. The recent reports on ion implantation technique to prepare nanoporous materials // Journal of Advanced Chemical and Pharmaceutical Materials (JACPM), 2020, V.3, #2, P.235-237.
- L. James, C.D. Castle, Z.V. Dingels, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study // Inj. Prev., 2020, V.26, P.i125-i153. (IF = 2.420, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q2 – Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Open Access)
- G. Moaser, A. Ahadi, S. Rouhani, B.B. Mamba, T.A.-M. Msagati, S. Rostamnia, T. Kavetskyy, S. Dugheri, S. Khaksar, A. Hasanzadeh, M. Shokouhimehr. Curbed of molybdenum oxido-diperoxido complex on ionic liquid body of mesoporous Bipy-PMO-IL as a promising catalyst for selective sulfide oxidation // J. Mol. Liq., 2020, V.312, P.113388(1-10). (IF = 6.165, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.88, Q1 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
- Ahmadian, A. Eftekhari, T. Kavetskyy, A.Y. Khosroushahi, V.A. Turksoy, R. Khalilov. Effects of quercetin loaded nanostructured lipid carriers on the paraquat-induced toxicity in human lymphocytes // Pestic. Biochem. Phys., 2020, V.167, P.104586(1-8). (IF = 3.963, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.87, Q1 – Agronomy and Crop Science)
- Ahmadian, M. Samiei, A. Hasanzadeh, T. Kavetskyy, S. Jafari, M. Alipour, S. Salatin, M. Rameshrad, S. Sharifi, A. Eftekhari, M. Hasanzadeh. Monitoring of drug resistance towards reducing the toxicity of pharmaceutical compounds: Past, present and future // J. Pharmaceut. Biomed. Anal., 2020, V.186, P.113265(1-12). (IF = 3.935, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.8, Q1 – Analytical Chemistry)
- M.A. Dirac, S. Safiri, D. Tsoi, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. The global, regional, and national burden of gastrooesophageal reflux disease in 195 countries and territories, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 // Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 2020, V.5, P.561-581. (IF = 18.486, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 5.3, Q1 – Gastroenterology; Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, M. Gonchar, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, T. Petkova. Controlling the network properties of polymer matrices for improvement of amperometric enzyme biosensors: Contribution of positron annihilation // Acta Phys. Pol., A, 2020, V.137, #2, P.246-249. (IF = 0.857, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.21, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- Eftekhari, S.Z. Vahed, T. Kavetskyy, M. Rameshrad, S. Jafari, L. Chodari, S.M. Hosseiniyan, H. Derakhshankhah, E. Ahmadian, M. Ardalan. Cell junction proteins: Crossing the glomerular filtration barrier in diabetic nephropathy // Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2020, V.148, P.475-482. (IF = 6.953, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.97, Q1 – Energy (miscellaneous))
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, I. Maťko, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, I. Novák, D. Berek, K. Čechová, M. Pecz, O. Nykolaishyn-Dytso, R. Wojnarowska-Nowak, D. Broda, M. Gonchar, B. Zgardzińska. Microporous carbon fibers as electroconductive immobilization matrixes: Effect of their structure on operational parameters of laccase-based amperometric biosensor // Sci. Eng. C, 2020, V.109, P.110570(1-8). (IF = 7.328, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.15, Q1 – Condensed Matter Physics)
- L. Stepanov, R.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.V. Stronski, T. Petkova, P. Petkov. Diffraction grating fabricated on chalcogenide glass (GeSe5)80B20 by mask ion implantation // Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B, 2020, V.462, P.187-190. (IF = 1.377, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.48, Q2 – Instrumentation)
- L. James, C.D. Castle, Z.V. Dingels, … T. Kavetskyy, et al. Global injury morbidity and mortality from 1990 to 2017: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 // Inj. Prev., 2020, V.26, P.i96-i114. (IF = 2.420, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.75, Q2 – Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, A. Kuczumow, K. Iida, Y. Nagashima, M.O. Liedke, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, A. Kiv, A.L. Stepanov. Ion-induced processes in polymer composite materials: Positron annihilation spectroscopy in combination with UV-Vis absorption and Raman spectroscopy // AIP Conf. Proc., 2019, V.2182, P.050024(1-5). (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.18; Open Access)
- S. Kavetskyy, Y.Y. Kukhazh, K.V. Zubrytska, R.I. Khalilov, O.V. Smutok, O.M. Demkiv, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, M.V. Gonchar. Construction of amperometric laccase-based biosensors using the ureasil and photocross-linked polymers // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2019, V.4, #3, P.137-149. (DOAJ; Open Access)
- Liu, Y. Zhuang, J. Han, J. Ruan, X. Zhao, T. Kavetskyy. Enhanced ~1.8 mm photoluminescence under blue light excitation in Tm-Bi co-doped germanate glass and its temperature dependence // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2019, V.525, P.119645(1-7). (IF = 2.600, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
- G. Evtugin, A.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov, A.L. Stepanov. Microstructuring substrates formed by ion implantation for analysis of small biomaterials // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2019, V.4, #2, P.63-72. (DOAJ; Open Access)
- Stronski, T. Kavetskyy, L. Revutska, I. Kaban, K. Shportko, J. Baran, M. Trzebiatowska. Stoichiometric deviations in bond distances in the mixed As2S3-As2Se3 system: Raman spectroscopy and EXAFS studies // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2019, V.521, P.119533(1-6). (IF = 2.600, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
- G. Evtugin, A.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov, A.L. Stepanov. New approach to create a counting grid by ion-mask implantation for analysis of small biological objects // Vacuum, 2019, V.165, P.320-323. (IF = 2.067, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics)
- Kavetskyy, N. Stasyuk, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, Y. Kukhazh, N. Hoivanovych, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, T. Petkova, M. Gonchar. Improvement of amperometric laccase biosensor using enzyme-immobilized gold nanoparticles coupling with ureasil polymer as a host matrix // Gold Bull., 2019, V.52, #2, P.79-85. (IF = 1.767, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.53, Q2 – Inorganic Chemistry)
- Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, K. Zubrytska, N. Hoivanovych, M. Gonchar. Dependence of operational parameters of laccase-based biosensors on structure of photocross-linked polymers as holding matrixes // Eur. Polym. J., 2019, V.115, P.391-398. (IF = 3.741, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.97, Q1 – Materials Chemistry)
- Kavetskyy, M.O. Liedke, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, L. Meshi, I. Dahan, J. Vacik, P. Horak, D. Fuks, N. Mykytenko, A. Kiv. Formation of heavy clusters in ion-irradiated compounds // Vacuum, 2019, V.164, P.149-152. (IF = 2.067, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics)
- Smutok, M. Karkovska, T. Prokopiv, T. Kavetskyy, W. Sibirnyj, M. Gonchar. D-lactate-selective amperometric biosensor based on the mitochondrial fraction of Ogataea polymorpha recombinant cells // Yeast, 2019, V.36, #5, P.341-348, DOI:10.1002/yea.3372. (IF = 2.283, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.87, Q2 – Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology)
- I. Khalilov, T.S. Kavetskyy, V.A. Serezhenkov, A.N. Nasibova, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Davaran, M. Pourhassan Moghaddam, S. Saghfi, N.A. Tkachev, M. Milani, M. Kouhi, O. Šauša, S.Ya. Voloshanska. Detection of manganese-containing enzymes and magnetic nanoparticles in Juniperus communis and related biomaterials by ESR spectroscopy // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2018, V.3, #3, P.167-175. (DOAJ; Open Access)
- Akbarzadeh, R. Khalilov, E. Abasi, T. Kafshdooz, R. Herizchi, T. Kavetskyy, S. Saghfi, A.N. Nasibova, S. Davaran. Role of dendrimers in advanced drug delivery and biomedical applications: A review // Exp. Oncol., 2018, V.40, #3, P.1-6. (Scopus, SJR = 0.37, Q3 – Oncology)
- Samadishadlou, M. Farshbal, N. Annabi, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, S. Saghfi, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Mousavi. Magnetic carbon nanotubes: preparation, physical properties, and applications in biomedicine // Artif. Cells, Nanomed. Biotechnol., 2018, V.46, #7, P.1314-1330. (IF = 3.026, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Biomedical Engineering; Open Access)
- Akbarzadeh, L. Kafshdooz, Z. Razban, A.D. Tbrizi, S. Rasoulpour, R. Khalilov, T. Kavetskyy, S. Saghfi, A.N. Nasibova, S. Kaamyabi, T. Kafshdooz. An overview application of silver nanoparticles in inhibition of herpes simplex virus // Artif. Cells, Nanomed. Biotechnol., 2018, V.46, #2, P.263-267, DOI:10.1080/21691401.2017.1307208. (IF = 3.026, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Biomedical Engineering; Open Access)
- Hassanpour, Y. Panahi, A. Ebrahimi-Kalan, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Davaran, R. Khalilov, T. Kavetskyy. Biomedical applications of aluminum oxide nanoparticles // Micro & Nano Letters, 2018, V.13, #9, P.1227-1231. (IF = 0.841, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.24, Q3 – Bioengineering)
- Kafshdooz, H. Pourfathi, A. Akbarzadeh, T. Kafshdooz, Z. Razban, R. Sheervalilou, N. Ebrahimi Sadr, R. Khalilov, S. Saghfi, T. Kavetskyy, L. Mammadova, M. Mehrizadeh, S. Ghasemali. The role of microRNAs and nanoparticles in ovarian cancer: a review // Artif. Cells, Nanomed. Biotechnol., 2018, V.46(sup2), P.241-247. (IF = 3.026, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Biomedical Engineering)
- Parida, S. Saghfi, A. Eivazi, A. Akbarzadeh, T. Kavetskyy, I. Aliyeva, R. Khalilov. Study of genetic advance and broad sense heritability for grain yield and yield components of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) genotypes // Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, 2018, V.3, #1, P.5-12. (DOAJ; Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, O. Šauša, K. Čechová, H. Švajdlenková, I. Maťko, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, O. Smutok, Y. Kukhazh, M. Gonchar. Network properties of ureasil-based polymer matrixes for construction of amperometric biosensors as probed by PALS and swelling experiments // Acta Phys. Pol., A, 2017, V.132, #5, P.1515-1518. (IF = 0.857, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Comments on the “Metallic nanoparticles (Cu, Ag, Au) in chalcogenide and oxide glassy matrices …” // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 20(1), p. 26-33 (2017) // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2017, V.20, #4, P.481-482. (Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, O. Demkiv, H. Klepach, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, P. Petkov, A.L. Stepanov. Laccase-containing ureasil-polymer composite as the sensing layer of an amperometric biosensor // J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2017, V.134, P.45278(1-7). (IF = 1.901, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.55, Q1 – Polymers and Plastics)
- Trzciński, T. Kavetskyy, G. Telbiz, A.L. Stepanov. Optical characterization of nanocomposite polymer formed by ion implantation of boron // J. Mater. Sci. Mater. El., 2017, V.28, P.7115-7120. (IF = 2.019, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.49, Q2 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
- Kavetskyy, K. Iida, Y. Nagashima, A. Kuczumow, O. Šauša, V. Nuzhdin, V. Valeev, A.L. Stepanov. High-dose boron and silver ion implantation into PMMA probed by slow positrons: Effects of carbonization and formation of metal nanoparticles // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2017, V.791, P.012028(1-4). (Scopus, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- Ahmadkhani, A. Baghban, S. Mohammadpoor, R. Khalilov, A. Akbarzadeh, T. Kavetskyy, S. Saghfi, A.N. Nasibova. Synthesis and evaluation of a triblock copolymer/ZnO nanoparticles from poly(ε-caprolactone) and poly(acrylic acid) as a potential drug delivery carrier // Drug Res., 2017, V.67, P.1-11. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.44, Q3 – Drug Discovery; Open Access)
- S. Kavetskyy. Long-term radiation-induced optical darkening effects in chalcogenide glasses // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2016, V.19, #4, P.395-398. (Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, J. Borc, A.L. Stepanov. Nanoindentation test of radiation-modified As2S3 glass after 60Co gamma-irradiation // J. Chin. Ceram. Soc., 2016, V.44, #11, P.1636-1640. (Scopus; Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, J. Nowak, J. Borc, J. Rusnák, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov. Carbonization in boron-ion-implanted polymethylmethacrylate as revealed from Raman spectroscopy and electrical measurements // Spectrosc. Lett., 2016, V.49, #1, P.5-10. (IF = 0.794, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.25, Q3 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
- S. Kavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov, R. Borc, J. Ren, G. Chen. Compositional response of positron annihilation parameters in multicomponent chalcohalide glasses // Adv. Nat. Sci.: Theory Appl., 2015, V.4, #2, P.47-55. (Open Access)
- L. Stepanov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, M.F. Galyautdinov, E.V. Nuzhdin, I.R. Safina, T.S. Kavetskyy. Structure and plasmonic properties of PMMA layers with ion-synthesized silver nanoparticles for optoelectronics // Int. J. Appl. Fund. Res., 2015, #8, P.676-681. (in Russian)
- A.L. Stepanov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, V.V. Vorobev, T.S. Kavetskyy, Y.N. Osin. Synthesis of porous silicon by ion implantation // Adv. Mater. Sci., 2015, V.40, P.155-164. (IF = 1.245, Scopus, SJR = 0.54, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics; Open Access)
- S. Kavetskyy, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, Y.N. Osin, A.L. Stepanov. Optical properties of the synthesized ZnO with ion implanted silver nanoparticles // Pis’ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2015, V.41, #11, P.48-55 (Tech. Phys. Lett., 2015, V.41, #6, P.537-539). (IF = 0.702, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.4, Q2 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
- S. Kavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, L.I. Pankiv, O.M. Dubyk-Pihur, T. Petkova, P. Petkov, H. Eckert, A.L. Stepanov. On the concentrations of magnetically ordered clusters and paramagnetic centers per magnetic cluster in Ag/AgI-As2S3 glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2014, V.16, #11-12, P.1317-1321. (IF = 0.563, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- S. Kavetskyy. Radiation-induced optical darkening and oxidation effects in As2S3 glass // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2014, V.17, #3, P.308-312. (Open Access)
- T.S. Kavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, S.Ya. Voloshanska, O. Šauša, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, Y.N. Osin, A.L. Stepanov. Low-temperature positron annihilation study of B+-ion implanted PMMA. Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2014, V.40, #8, P.959-963 (Low Temp. Phys., 2014, 40, #8, P.747-751). (IF = 0.786, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.31, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- T. Kavetskyy, V. Tsmots, A. Kinomura, Y. Kobayashi, R. Suzuki, H.F.M. Mohamed, O. Šauša, V. Nuzhdin, V. Valeev, A.L. Stepanov. Structural defects and positronium formation in 40 keV B+-implanted polymethylmethacrylate // J. Phys. Chem. B, 2014, V.118, #15, 4194-4200. (IF = 3.302, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.11, Q1 – Materials Chemistry)
- T.S. Kavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov. On the application of methods of positron annihilation spectroscopy for studying radiation-stimulated processes in chalcogenide glassy semiconductors // Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 2014, V.48, #1, P.11-14 (Semiconductors, 2014, V.48, #1, P.9-12). (IF = 0.739, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.31, Q3 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
- A.L. Stepanov, X. Xiao, F. Ren, T. Kavetskyy, Y.N. Osin. Catalytic and biological sensitivity of TiO2 and SiO2 matrices with silver nanoparticles created by ion implantation: A review // Adv. Mater. Sci., 2013, V.34, P.107-122. (IF = 1.287, Scopus, SJR = 0.54, Q2 – Condensed Matter Physics; Open Access)
- A.A. Trifonov, Y.N. Osin, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Nontraditional approach for production of nanoporous silicon by implantation with metal ions // Nanotekhnologii: nauka i proizvodstvo, 2013, V.4, #25, P.46-52. (in Russian)
- T. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov, V.V. Bazarov, V. Tsmots, J. Ren, G. Chen, X. Zhao. Comparative study of optical properties of polarizing oxide glasses with silver nanorods and chalcogenide glasses with copper nanoparticles // Physics Procedia, 2013, V.48, P.191-195. (Scopus, SJR = 0.25)
- S. Kavetskyy. Modified correlation equation in the FSDP-related void-based model for As2S(Se)3 chalcogenide glasses // Semicond. Phys. Quant. Electron. Optoelectron., 2013, V.16, #2, P.136-139. (Open Access)
- T.S. Kavetskyy, M.F. Galyautdinov, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, Yu.N. Osin, A.B. Evlyukhin, A.L. Stepanov. The formation of periodic diffractive plasmonic nanostructures with implanted copper nanoparticles by local ion etching of silica glass // Pis’ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2013, V.39, #13, P.17-23 (Tech. Phys. Lett., 2013, V.39, #7, P.591-593). (IF = 0.583, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.4, Q2 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
- T.S. Kavetskyy. Radiation-induced structural changes in chalcogenide glasses as revealed from Raman spectroscopy measurements // Semicond. Phys. Electron. Optoelectron., 2013, V.16, #1, P.27-36. (Open Access)
- T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, P. Petkov, K. Kolev, T. Petkova, V. Tsmots. Reply on the “critical comments on speculations with … free-volume defects … in ion-conducting Ag/AgI-As2S3..” // Solid State Ionics, 2013, V.233, P.107-109. (IF = 2.112, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.81, Q1 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
- A.L. Stepanov, E.A. Evlyukhin, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, Y.N. Osin, A.B. Evlyukhin, R. Kiyan, T.S. Kavetskyy, B.N. Chichkov. Synthesis of periodic plasmonic microstructures with copper nanoparticles in silica glass by low-energy ion implantation // Phys. A-Mater., 2013, V.111, P.261-264. (IF = 1.694, Scopus, SJR = 0.42, Q2 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Šauša, J. Krištiak, T. Petkova, P. Petkov, V. Boev, N. Lyadov, A. Stepanov. New organic-inorganic hybrid ureasil-based polymer materials studied by PALS and SEM techniques // Sci. Forum, 2013, V.733, P.171-174. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.17, Q3 – Materials Science (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- Kavetskyy, J. Borc, K. Sangwal, V. Tsmots, J. Filipecki, M. Iovu. Vickers microhardness testing of indentation size effect in some metal-modified chalcogenide glasses // Adv. Nat. Sci.: Theory Appl., 2012, V.1, #2, P.183-196. (Open Access)
- T.S. Kavetskyy, V.M. Tsmots, A.L. Stepanov. Radiation/annealing-induced structural changes in GexAs40–xS60 glasses as revealed from high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements // Semicond. Phys. Electron. Optoelectron., 2012, V.15, #4, P.310-320. (Open Access)
- T. Kavetskyy, N. Lyadov, V. Valeev, V. Tsmots, T. Petkova, V. Boev, P. Petkov, A.L. Stepanov. New organic-inorganic hybrid ureasil-based polymer and glass-polymer composites with ion-implanted silver nanoparticles // Status Solidi C, 2012, V.9, #12, P.2444-2447. (IF = 0.81, Scopus, SJR = 0.28, Q3 – Condensed Matter Physics)
- T. Kavetskyy, V. Tsmots, O. Šauša, L. Stepanov. Structural modification of chalcogenide glasses by gamma-irradiation studied with DBAL technique // Phys. Status Solidi C, 2012, V.9, #12, P.2420-2423. (IF = 0.81, Scopus, SJR = 0.28, Q3 – Condensed Matter Physics)
- S. Kavetskyy, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.M. Tsmots, A.L. Stepanov. Optical properties of chalcogenide glasses with ion-synthesized copper nanoparticles // Pis’ma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 2012, V.38, #23, P.11-18 (Tech. Phys. Lett., 2013, V.39, #1, P.1-4). (IF = 0.583, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.4, Q2 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
- A. Chrissanthopoulos, P. Jóvári, I. Kaban, S. Gruner, T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, W. Wang, J. Ren, G. Chen, S.N. Structure of AgI-doped Ge-In-S glasses: Experiment, reverse Monte Carlo modelling, and density functional calculations // J. Solid State Chem., 2012, V.192, P.7-15. (IF = 2.04, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.59, Q2 – Ceramics and Composites)
- M. Tsmots, T.S. Kavetskyy, L.I. Pankiv. Investigation of radiation-stimulated processes in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors by magnetic susceptibility measurement method // Urgent Problems of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences, 2011, #3, P.16-20. (in Ukrainian)
- T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, K. Sangwal. Study of indentation microhardness of bismuth-doped As2Se3 glasses // Adv. Mater., 2011, V.5, #7, P.755-760. (IF = 0.304, Scopus, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Sangwal, J. Borc, T. Kavetskyy. Study of microindentation cracks in bismuth-doped arsenic selenide glasses // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2011, V.357, P.3117-3122. (IF = 1.537, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
- T. Kavetskyy, I. Kaban, O. Shpotyuk, W. Hoyer, V. On the structural-optical correlations in radiation-modified chalcogenide glasses // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2011, V.289, P.012007(1-6). (Scopus, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous); Open Access)
- T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, P. Petkov, K. Kolev, T. Petkova. Free-volume defects and microstructure in ion-conducting Ag/AgI-As2S3 glasses as revealed from positron annihilation and microhardness measurements // Solid State Ionics, 2011, 183, #1, P.16-19. (IF = 2.646, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.81, Q1 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
- S. Kavetskyy. Impact of the sample thickness and g-irradiation dose on the occurrence of radiation-induced optical effects in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors of the Ge-Sb-S system // Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 2011, V.45, #4, P.506-509 (Semiconductors, 2011, V.45, #4, P.499-502). (IF = 0.627, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.31, Q3 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
- T. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, K. Sangwal, V. Tsmots. Indentation size effect and Vickers microhardness measurement of metal-modified arsenic chalcogenide glasses // Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2010, V.12, #10, P.2082-2091. (IF = 0.412, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, J. Filipecki, M. Iovu. Structural study of (As2S3)6(GeS2)0.4 glass // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2009, V.355, P.1801-1806. (IF = 1.252, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, G. Dovbeshko, I. Blonskyy, V. Tsmots. IR optical properties of As32Sb8S60 chalcogenide glass and effect of g-irradiation // Sensor Electronics and Microsystem Technologies, 2009, V.2, P.22-25. (Open Access)
- Kavetskyy. Structural compress of vitreous As2S3 induced by g-irradiation // Visnyk Lviv Univ., Ser. Physic., 2009, #43, P.238-242.
- Kavetskyy, Ya. Shpotyuk. Medium-range ordering effects in pseudo-binary vitreous As2S3-Sb2S3: conventional XRD analysis // Visnyk Lviv Univ., Ser. Physic., 2009, #43, P.179-184.
- T. Kavetskyy, I. Kaban, O. Shpotyuk, W. Hoyer, J. Filipecki, V. Tsmots. On the correlation between FSDP and PALS parameters in As-Se chalcogenide glasses // Non-Oxide and Photonic Glasses, 2009, V.1, #1, P.19-23. (Open Access)
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, V. Balitska, G. Dovbeshko, I. Blonskyy, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, M. Iovu, A. Andriesh. Vibrational and structural properties of unmodified and radiation-modified chalcogenide glasses for advanced optical applications // SPIE, 2008, V.7142, P.71420B(1-8). (Scopus, WoS)
- S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, P.G. Litovchenko, V.M. Tsmots. Radiation modification of fragility of chalcogenide glass structural network // Technology & Design in Electronic Devices, 2008, V.6, #78, P.58-59. (in Russian)
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer. Radiation-modified structure of Ge25Sb15S60 and Ge35Sb5S60 glasses // J. Сhem. , 2008, V.128, #24, P.244514(1-8). (IF = 3.149, Scopus, WoS, SJR = 1.16, Q1 – Medicine (miscellaneous))
- Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer. Atomic- and void-species nanostructures in chalcogenide glasses modified by high-energy g-irradiation // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2007, V.9, #10, P.3247-3252. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, M. Popescu, A. Lorinczi, F. Sava. FSDP-related correlations in chalcogenide glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2007, V.9, #10, P.3079-3081. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- T.S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, V.T. Boyko. Void-species nanostructure in chalcogenide glasses studied with FSDP-related XRD // Phys. Chem. Solids, 2007, V.68, P.712-715. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.58, Q2 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
- T. Kavetskyy, M. Vakiv, O. Shpotyuk. Charged defects in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors studied with combined Raman scattering and PALS methods // Meas., 2007, V.42, P.712-714. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.6, Q2 – Instrumentation)
- T. Kavetskyy, Shpotyuk, V. Boyko, J. Filipecki, M. Popescu. On the origin of nanovoids in binary chalcogenide glasses studied by FSDP-related XRD, PALS and Monte-Carlo simulation // Visnyk Lviv Univ., Ser. Physic., 2007, #40, P.153-158.
- O. Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskiy, Filipecki, T. Kavetskyy, M. Popescu. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy as experimental probe of free volume concepts in network glasses // Phys. Chem. Glasses B, 2006, V.47, #2, P.131-135. (Scopus, SJR = 0.25, Q3 – Condensed Matter Physics)
- O. Shpotyuk, A. Kozdras, T. Kavetskyy, J. Filipecki. On the correlation between void-species structure of vitreous arsenic selenide studied with X-ray diffraction and positron annihilation techniques // Non-Cryst. Solids, 2006, V.352, P.700-703. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
- S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, A.P. Kovalskiy, V.M. Tsmots. Structural-chemical approach for compositional dependences of g-induced optical effects in chalcogenide glasses of Ge-Sb-S system // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2005, V.7. #5, P.2299-2308. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk. Nanostructural voids in glassy-like As2Se3 studied with FSDP-related xrd and pals techniques // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2005, V.7. #5, P.2267-2273. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- O.I. Shpotyuk, A.P. Kovalskiy, T.S. Kavetskyy, R.Ya. Golovchak. Threshold restoration effects in g-irradiated chalcogenide glasses // Non-Cryst. Solids, 2005, V.351, P.993-997. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
- Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak, O. Shpotyuk, J. Filipecki, J. Swiatek. On the compositional trends in IR impurity absorption of Ge-As(Sb)-S chalcogenide glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2004, V.5. #6, P.1141-1146. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak, O. Shpotyuk, J. Filipecki, J. Swiatek. Compositional trends in impurity absorption spectra of Ge-As(Sb)-S chalcogenide glasses // Chalcogenide Letters, 2004, V.1. #10, P.125-130. (SJR = 0.28, Q3 – Chemistry (miscellaneous))
- Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskiy, T. Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak, M. Popescu. Chemical interaction of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors with absorbed impurities induced by g-irradiation // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2003, V.5, #5, P.1181-1185. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskiy, T. Kavetskyy, R. Golovchak. Post-irradiation thermally stimulated recovering effects in some ternary chalcogenide glasses // J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., 2003, V.5, #5, P.1169-1179. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.22, Q3 – Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
- I. Shpotyuk, R.Ya. Golovchak, A.P. Kovalskiy, T.S. Kavetskyy. Time and temperature stability of radiation-induced changes of optical properties in ternary systems of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors // Functional Materials, 2003, V.10, #2, P.317-321.
- I. Shpotyuk, J. Filipecki, A. Kozdras, T.S. Kavetskyy. Radiation-induced defect formation in chalcogenide glasses // J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2003, V.326-327, P.268-272. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.69, Q1 – Ceramics and Composites)
- Kovalskiy, T. Kavetskyy, J. Plewa, O. Shpotyuk. Interpretation of radiation-induced phenomena in chalcogenide glasses of Ge-Sb-S system using free volume and covalent chemical bonds concepts // Solid State Phenomena, 2003, V.90-91, P.241-246. (Scopus, SJR = 0.17, Q3 – Materials Science (miscellaneous))
- I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy. Phenomenological model of radiation-induced optical effects in Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses // Proc. SPIE, 2003, V.5122, P.95-103. (Scopus, WoS)
- Shpotyuk, V. Balitska, M. Vakiv, R. Golovchak, T. Kavetskyy, A. Kovalskiy, A. Matkovskii. Radiation-induced phenomena in vitreous chalcogenide semiconductors (short review) // Visnyk National University “Lviv Polytechnics”. Electronics, 2002, #459, P.179-193.
- I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, R.V. Lutziv, V. Pamukchieva. Radiation-induced changes in optical transmission in vitreous semiconductors of the GexSb40-xS60 system // Ukr. Fiz. Zh. (Ukr. J. Phys.), 2001, V.46, #4, P.495-498.
- I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, V. Pamukchieva. IR optical properties of Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses and effect of gamma-irradiation // Proc. SPIE, 2001, V.4415, P.272-277. (Scopus, WoS)
- I. Shpotyuk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, V. Pamukchieva. Gamma-irradiation effect on the optical properties of GexSb40-xS60 chalcogenide glasses // Proc. SPIE, 2001, V.4415, P.278-283. (Scopus, WoS)
- Kavetskyy, R. Lutziv. The concentration dependences of microhardness of Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses // Visnyk Lviv Univ., Ser. Physic., 2000, #33, P.144-149.
- S. Kavetskii, V.D. Pamukchieva, O.I. Shpotyuk. Concentration dependence of impurity absorption in chalcogenide glasses of the Ge-Sb-S system // Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk., 2000, V.67, #4, P.499-502 (J. Appl. Spectrosc., 2000, V.67, #4, P.687-692). (WoS, SJR = 0.18, Q4 – Condensed Matter Physics)
- Kavetskyy. The influence of gamma-irradiation on the IR optical transmission spectra of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors of Ge-Sb-S system // J. Phys. Studies, 2000, V.4, #3, P.350-354. (SJR = 0.17, Q4 – Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous))
- I. Shpotyuk, R.Ya. Golovchak, T.S. Kavetsky, A.P. Kovalskiy, M.M. Vakiv. Radiation-optical effects in glassy Ge-As(Sb)-S systems // Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B, 2000, V.166-167, P.517-520. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.52, Q2 – Instrumentation)
- S. Kavetskyy, A.P. Kovalskiy, V.D. Pamukchieva, O.I. Shpotyuk. IR impurity absorption in Sb2S3-GeS2(Ge2S3) chalcogenide glasses // Infrared Phys. Techn., 2000, V.41, #1, P.41-45. (Scopus, WoS, SJR = 0.51, Q2 – Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics)
Редагування монографій, монографії
- Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. “Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors”, Edited by N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, in press.
- Professor Rovshan Khalilov “Doctor Honoris Causa of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University”, Edited by S. Voloshanska, A. Kiv, Kavetskyy, A. Nasibova, A. Eftekhari, Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, 80 p.
- K. Sharma, H. Nosrati, T. Kavetskyy. Harnessing Materials for X-ray based Cancer Therapy and Imaging, Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, accepted proposal.
- Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 5. “Health and Nanobiotechnology”, Edited by N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, R. Khalilov, Drohobych: Kolo, 2020, 212 p.
- Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. “Health and Biosensors”, Edited by N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, 237 p.
Розділи у монографіях
- Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, Y. Kukhazh, O. Mushynska, O. Demkiv, N. Stasyuk, E. Leonenko, S. Voloshanska, A. Kiv, M. Gonchar. Biosensors and bioreactors based on laccase for environmental applications // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. “Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 8, in press.
- Fink, A. Kiv, L. Alfonta, H. Garcia-Arellano, G. Muñoz Hernandez, J. Vacik, V. Hnatowicz, Y. Bondaruk, N. Stebeletska, T. Kavetskyy. Improving the design of ion track-based biosensors // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. “Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 7, in press.
- Fink, J. Vacik, L. Alfonta, W.R. Fahrner, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv. Biosensors with nuclear tracks and embedded membranes // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. “Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 6, in press.
- García-Arellano, V. Švorčík, J. Vacík, V. Smatko, A. Kiv, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, S. Voloshanska, L. Alfonta, Y. Mandabi, J. Dias, C. Souza, G. Muñoz Hernández, D. Fink. Nuclear biotechnology // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 6. “Health, Bioecology and Nanobiosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, N. Stebeletska, A. Kiv, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2021, Chapter 5, in press.
- V. Smutok, K.V. Dmytruk, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.A. Sibirny, M.V. Gonchar. Flavocytochrome b2 of the methylotrophic yeast Ogataea polymorpha: Construction of overproducers, purification and bioanalytical application // In: Flavin and Flavoproteins. Methods in Molecular Biology (M. Barile, ed.), New York, NY: Springer, 2021, Chapter 16, V.2280, P.249-260.
- Ahmadian, A. Eftekhari, T. Kavetskyy, Y. Voloshanskyy, H. Mohammaddoust, M. Rameshrad, M. Rameshrad, M. Samiei, F. Abdol Abadi, O. Shakalets, A. Akbarzadeh, S. Davaran, R. Khalilov. The application of nanotechnology in cancer treatment // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 5. “Health and Nanobiotechnology” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, R. Khalilov, eds.), Drohobych: Kolo, 2020, Chapter 5, P.49-64.
- Kavetskyy, S. Davaran, R. Khalilov, A. Akbarzadeh, A. Eftekhari, A. Nasibova, S. Voloshanska, Y. Kukhazh, M. Kravtsiv, O. Mushynska, O. Shakalets, V. Krasnevych, Z. Maghsoudi, M. Hosainzadegan, H. Hosainzadegan. Nanoparticles as an emerging health solution for viral infections especially COVID-19 // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 5. “Health and Nanobiotechnology” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, A. Eftekhari, R. Khalilov, eds.), Drohobych: Kolo, 2020, Chapter 4, P.44-48.
- Kavetskyy, D. Fink, A. Kiv, Yu. Bondaruk, O. Šauša, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar. Polymer lattice and track nanostructures to create novel biosensors // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Advanced Nanomaterials for Detection of CBRN” (J. Bonca, S. Kruchinin, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 19, P.267-273. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2030-2
- Kavetskyy, K. Zubrytska, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, H. Švajdlenková, O. Šauša, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite, M. Gonchar. Novel photocross-linked polymers for construction of laccase-based amperometric biosensors // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats” (P. Petkov, M.E. Achour, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 24, P.303-310. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2018-0_24
- Kavetskyy, O. Zubrytska, L. Pan’kiv, R. Khalilov, A. Nasibova, A. Akbarzadeh, A. Pryima, N. Stebeletska, S. Voloshanska. Use of magnetic susceptibility measurement for analysis of self-organized magnetic nanoparticles in biological systems // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats” (P. Petkov, M.E. Achour, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 17, P.215-221. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2018-0_17
- Leonenko, G. Telbiz, T. Kavetskyy, N. Kukhtarev, A. Glushchenko. Design of mesoscopic ordered titania and silica hybrid sol-gel films as planar waveguide // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats” (P. Petkov, M.E. Achour, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2020, Chapter 11, P.131-137. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics) DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2018-0_11
- Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, M. Starchevskyy, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, M. Gonchar. Novel polymer matrixes for construction of laccase-based amperometric biosensors as probed by positrons and swelling // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. “Health and Biosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, Chapter 4, P.45-56.
- Demkiv, O. Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, S. Banah, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, H. Klepach, M. Gonchar. Laccase as a perspective tool for monitoring and detoxication of phenolic environmental pollutions // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. “Health and Biosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, Chapter 2, P.21-34.
- Smutok, T. Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, K. Zubrytska, M. Kravtsiv, O. Mushynska, O. Nykolaishyn-Dytso, R. Serkiz, S. Voloshanska, M. Gonchar. Non-invasive L-lactate analysis of human liquids using a third generation biosensor based on gold nanolayer and flavocytochrome b2 // In: Human Health: Realities and Prospects. Monographic series. Volume 4. “Health and Biosensors” (N. Skotna, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, eds.), Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, Chapter 1, P.8-20.
- Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, N. Stasyuk, O. Smutok, O. Demkiv, I. Pan’kiv, O. Kulinska, V. Kavchak, M. Gonchar, A. Stepanov. Using metal nanoparticles in biosensing // In: Acta Carpathica 31-32 (J. Gąsior, S. Voloshanska, B. Alvarez, N. Hoivanovych, V. Fil, V. Stakhiv, eds.), Rzeszów: Department of Soil Science, Environmental Chemistry and Hydrology Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, University of Rzeszоw with Faculty of Biology and Natural Science, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych: Posvit, 2019, P.97-106.
- Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, V. Serezhenkov, A. Nasibova, N. Tkachev, S. Voloshanska. The intensity of ESR signals detected in Juniperus communis and related biomaterials in dependence on temperature and microwave power // In: Acta Carpathica 29-30 (J. Gąsior, S. Voloshanska, B. Alvarez, N. Noivanovych, V. Fil, V. Stachiv, eds.), Rzeszów-Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, Drohobych: Posvit, 2018, P.89-100.
- S. Kavetskyy, M.O. Liedke, N. Srinivasan, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, A.L. Stepanov. Polymer nanocomposites with silver nanoparticles formed by low-energy ion implantation: Slow positron beam spectroscopy studies // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN” (J. Bonca, S. Kruchinin, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 21, P.293-300. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
- S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov, O.O. Voloshanska, L.M. Kropyvnytska, T.M. Beyba, V.A. Serezhenkov, A.N. Nasibova, A. Akbarzadeh, S.Ya. Voloshanska. Self-organized magnetic nanoparticles in plant systems: ESR detection and perspectives for biomedical applications // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 48, P.487-492. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- S. Kavetskyy, H. Švajdlenková, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, K. Čechová, I. Maťko, N. Hoivanovych, O. Dytso, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva. Swelling behavior of organic-inorganic ureasil-based polymers // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 32, P.333-338. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- S. Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, O. Šauša, Y. Kukhazh, H. Švajdlenková, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva. Ureasil-based polymer matrices as sensitive layers for the construction of amperometric biosensors // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 30, P.309-316. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- Trzciński, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Optical band gap and carbon clusters in PMMA nanocomposite films formed by ion implantation: Boron, helium, and xenon ions // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 7, P.55-59. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- S. Kavetskyy, K.V. Zubrytska, A.V. Stronski, L.I. Pan’kiv, P. Petkov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, A.M. Rogov, Y.N. Osin, A.S. Morozova, A.L. Stepanov. Formation of a periodic structure in chalcogenide film substrate by silver ion implantation // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 6, P.49-54. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- S. Kavetskyy, M.M. Kravtsiv, G.M. Telbiz, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, A.L. Stepanov. Surface plasmon resonance band of ion-synthesized Ag nanoparticles in high dose Ag:PMMA nanocomposite films // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Advanced Nanotechnologies for Detection and Defence against CBRN Agents” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, C. Popov, W. Kulisch, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2018, Chapter 5, P.43-47. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Ion-irradiation-induced carbon nanostructures in optoelectronic polymer materials // In: “Radiation Effects in Materials” (W.A. Monteiro, ed.), Rijeka: InTech, 2016, Chapter 11, P.287-308.
- T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Effects of gamma-irradiation and ion implantation in chalcogenide glasses // In: “Glass Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications” (B. Karmakar, K. Rademann, A.L. Stepanov, eds.), Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo: Elsevier Academic Press, 2016, Chapter 14, P.341-358. (Scopus)
- Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov, A. Nasibova, V. Serezhenkov, S. Voloshanska. EPR spectroscopy study of Juniperus communis of Carpathian region of Ukraine // In: Acta Carpathica 24 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Rzeszów-Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2015, P.124-129.
- Voloshanska, M. Kozar, T. Kavetskyy. Biological activity and nanostructural characterization of Juniperus communis and biomaterials on its basis: A short review // In: Acta Carpathica 23 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Rzeszów-Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2015, P.87-98.
- T.S. Kavetskyy, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, P. Petkov, A.V. Kukhta, A.L. Stepanov. Doppler broadening of the annihilation line study of organic-inorganic hybrid ureasil-based composites // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 9, P.85-90. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
- S. Kavetskyy, J. Borc, Y.Y. Kukhazh, A.L. Stepanov. The influence of low dose ion-irradiation on the mechanical properties of PMMA probed by nanoindentation // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 7, P.65-71. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
- S. Kavetskyy, S.Ya. Voloshanska, I.V. Komar, O. Šauša, A.L. Stepanov. Positron annihilation study of the Juniperus communis based biomaterial NEFROVIL // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 6, P.61-64. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
- S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Fabrication of nanoporous silicon by ion implantation // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology “Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security” (P. Petkov, D. Tsiulyanu, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, 2015, Chapter 4, P.35-50. (Scopus, SJR = 0.13, Q4 – Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology)
- T. Kavetskyy, S. Voloshanska, O. Sausa, T. Petkova, V. Boev, P. Petkov, A. Stepanov. Verification of spur reaction model in positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy applied to organic media // In: Acta Carpathica 21 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Drohobycz: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2014, P.109-114.
- T.S. Kavetskyy, S.Ya. Voloshanska, O. Sausa, A.L. Stepanov. Nanovoids topology in Juniperus communis of Carpathian region of Ukraine // In: Acta Carpathica 16 (J. Gąsior, Ś.J. Wołoszańska, B. Alvarez, W. Janowska-Kurdziel, D. Grabek-Lejko, W. Stachiw, W. Fil, N. Hojwanowycz, eds.), Rzeszów: Katedra Gleboznawstwa, Chemii Środowiska i Hydrologii, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego wspólnie z Wydział Biologiczny Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Drohobyczu, 2014, P.79-8
- T.S. Kavetskyy, O. Šauša, V.F. Valeev, V.I. Nuzhdin, N.M. Lyadov, A.L. Raman, positron annihilation and Doppler broadening spectroscopy of gamma-irradiated and Cu-ion implanted Ge15.8As21S63.2 glass // In: Coherent Optics and Optical Spectroscopy: XV International Junior Scientific School 24-26 October 2011: Book of Articles (М.Kh.Salakhov ed.), Kazan, Kazan. Univ., 2011, V.XV, 200 p., P.86-89.
- T. Kavetskyy, N. Pavlyukh, V. Tsmots, W. Wang, J. Ren, G. Chen, A. Stepanov. IR impurity absorption in GeS2-In2S3-AgI chalcohalide glasses // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors” (J.P. Riethmaier, P. Paunović, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, P. Petkov, eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2011, Chapter 25, P.231-234. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- T. Kavetskyy, K. Kolev, V. Boev, P. Petkov, T. Petkova, A. Stepanov. Nanovoids in glasses and polymers probed by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors” (J.P. Riethmaier, P. Paunović, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, P. Petkov, eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2011, Chapter 11, P.103-110. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, J. Filipecki. Nanostructural characterization of amorphous chalcogenides by X-ray diffraction and positron annihilation techniques // In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics “Nanostructured Materials for Advanced Technological Applications” (J.P. Riethmaier, P. Petkov, W. Kulisch, C. Popov, eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2009, 365-370. (Scopus, SJR = 0.11, Q4 – Biophysics)
- T. Kavetskyy, O. Shpotyuk, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, V. Tsmots. On the origin of the first sharp diffraction peak in chalcogenide glasses // In: Bulletin of Center of Chemotronic of Glass named after V.V. Tarasov #4, Reports of Scientific Session in occasion of 100 years after birthday of Professor B.T. Kolomiets, Moscow, 2008, P.112-115. (in Russian)
- O. Shpotyuk, T. Kavetskyy, J. Filipecki, A. Kovalskiy, V. Pamukchieva. Radiation-induced optical effects in Sb2S3-GeS2 chalcogenide glasses // In: Prace Naukowe. Chemia, Czestochowa: WSP, 2001, Volume 5, P.189-197.
Статті у звітах
- Kobayashi, T. Kavetskyy, A. Yabuuchi, A. Kinomura. Research on polymer composite materials containing ion-implanted metal nanoparticles using a slow positron beam // KURNS Report, 2021, P.R2104.
- Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, P. Jovari, W. Hoyer, M.v.Zimmermann, M.A. Webb. XRD and EXAFS study of stoichiometric arsenic-germanium sulphide glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2009, http://hasylab.desy.de/annual_report/files/2009/2009586.pdf.
- Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, W. Hoyer, A. Webb. EXAFS study of radiation modified arsenic selenide glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2008, http://hasylab.desy.de/annual_report/files/2008/200871.pdf.
- Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, P. Jovari, W. Hoyer, O. Shpotyuk, A. Schops, K. Rickers. Investigation of radiation-modified structure in GexSb40-xS60 glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2007, V.1, P.657-658.
- Kaban, T. Kavetskyy, P. Jovari, W. Hoyer, O. Shpotyuk, A. Schops, A. Webb. Investigation of the radiation-induced structural changes in chalcogenide glasses // HASYLAB Annual Report, 2006, V.1, P.595-596.
- M. Tsmots, I.S. Pankiv, L.I. Pankiv, Yu.V. Pavlovskyy, V.V. Petrenko, T.S. Kavetskyy, D.V. Labovka, M.M. Luchkevych, R.V. Okhrymovych, V.P. Salan, M.V. Tsyuper. Equipment for measurement of magnetic susceptibility of materials // Patent of Ukraine #77284, Bull. #11, 15.11.2006. (in Ukrainian)
Науково-методичні праці
- S. Kavetskyy, A.M. Pryima, M.K. Starchevskyy. High-Molecular Compounds: Methodological Materials for Independent Work. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2019, 48 p. (in Ukrainian)
- M. Pryima, T.S. Kavetskyy, M.K. Starchevskyy. Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds: Methodological Materials for Practical Trainings. Drohobych: Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, 2018, 32 p. (in Ukrainian)
Статті у матеріалах конференцій
- Kavetskyy, S. Voloshanska, A. Kiv. Determination of virucidal action of polymeric metal-containing film against mouse hepatitis coronavirus // Materials of IV Іnternational Scientific and Practical Conference, Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University “State of Natural Resources: Prospects for Their Preservation and Restoration in the Context of Sustainable Development” (Drohobych, Ukraine, 27-28 October, 2020), P.95-97. (in Ukrainian)
- S. Kavetskyy, R.I. Khalilov. Use of biosensors in environmental applications // Proceedings of XIV International Scientific Conference “Modern Trends in Biological Physics and Chemistry” (BPPC-2019) (Moscow, Russia, 21-24 November, 2019), P.105-106.
- Saghfi, A. Akbarzadeh, M. Rahimova, L. Mammadova, A. Eivazi, T. Kavetskyy, R. Khalilov. Evaluation of physiological and biochemical traits of almond in saline conditions // Materials of the VI Congress of Biophysicists of Russia (Sochi, Russia, 16-21 September, 2019), V.2, P.92.
- Kavetskyy. Third generation amperometric enzyme biosensors with ureasil-based polymer matrixes: State-of-the-art and future prospects // Proceedings & Abstracts Book of Composite Materials Congress, Graphene & 2D Materials, Biosensors & Bioelectronics (Stockholm, Sweden, 10-13 June, 2019), DOI: 10.5185/cmc2019.
- Kavetskyy. Nanostructured ureasil-based polymer composites for construction of amperometric enzyme biosensors: State-of-the-art and future outlook // Materials of the International Meeting “Clusters and Nanostructured Materials (CNM-5’2018)” (Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 22-26 October, 2018), P.53-54.
- Kavetskyy, A. Kiv. Carbonization processes and formation of metal nanoparticles in ion-irradiated polymers and composite materials: Positron annihilation spectroscopy approach // Materials of the International Meeting “Clusters and Nanostructured Materials (CNM-5’2018)” (Uzhgorod, Ukraine, 22-26 October, 2018), P.38-39.
- Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva, S. Kasetaite, J. Ostrauskaite. Amperometric enzyme biosensors based on novel organic-inorganic and photocross-linked polymers // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.190-192.
- Kavetskyy, K. Iida, Y. Nagashima, M.O. Liedke, M. Butterling, A. Wagner, R. Krause-Rehberg, O. Šauša, T. Petkova, V. Boev, A.L. Stepanov, L. Meshi, D. Fuks, A. Kiv. Ion-induced processes in polymers and composite materials: Positron annihilation spectroscopy study // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.187-189.
- S. Kavetskyy, K.V. Zubrytska, A.V. Stronski, L.I. Pan’kiv, P. Petkov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, A.M. Rogov, Y.N. Osin, A.S. Morozova, A.L. Stepanov, J. Ruan, H. Tao, X. Zhao. Fabrication of photonic crystal by ion implantation: Possibility to use a chalcogenide film substrate // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.71-73.
- S. Kavetskyy, M. Trzciński, M.M. Kravtsiv, K.V. Zubrytska, O.R. Mushynska, A.L. Stepanov. Optical properties of PMMA nanocomposites implanted by light and heavy ion // Materials of the X International Conference “Topical Problems of Semiconductor Physics” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 26-29 June, 2018), P.68-70.
- Kavetskyy, O. Smutok, M. Gonchar, Y. Kukhazh, O. Šauša, H. Švajdlenková, T. Petkova, V. Boev, V. Ilcheva. Novel ureasil-based polymers for construction of amperometric enzyme biosensors // Proceedings & Abstracts Book of the Composite Materials Congress & Biosensors and Bioelectronics Materials Symposium 2018 (CMC-BBS 2018) (Stockholm, Sweden, 3-6 June, 2018), DOI: 10.5185/cmc2018.
- T. Kavetskyy, Y. Kukhazh, M. Kravtsiv, K. Zubrytska, O. Mushynska, T. Beyba, А. Stepanov. SRIM simulation of low-energy ion bombardment into PMMA matrix // Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Laser Technologies. Lasers and Their Application” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 7-9 June, 2017), P.151-153.
- T. Kavetskyy, А. Stepanov. Ion-implanted polymer materials: State-of-the-art and future prospects // Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Laser Technologies. Lasers and Their Application” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 7-9 June, 2017), P.142-144.
- R. Khalilov, A. Nasibova, T. Kavetskyy. EPR signals in plant systems and their informative capacity for ecological research // Materials of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Laser Technologies. Lasers and Their Application” (Truskavets, Ukraine, 7-9 June, 2017), P.130-132.
- L. Stepanov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy. Structure and plasmonic properties of PMMA layers with ion-implanted silver nanoparticles for diffraction grating sensors // Contributed Papers of the VIII International Conference Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology (PPPT-8) (Minsk, Belarus, 14-18 September, 2015), V.1, P.220-223.
- S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Spectroscopic investigations of ion-induced processes in polymethylmethacrylate at low-energy boron-ion implantation // Proceedings of the XXII International Conference “Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2015)” (Moscow, Russia, 20-24 August, 2015), V.3, P.339-342.
- S. Kavetskyy, Y.Y. Kukhazh, J. Borc, A.L. Stepanov. Nanoindentation of boron-ion implanted polymethylmethacrylate up to 1100 nm indentation depth // Proceedings of the XXII International Conference “Ion-Surface Interactions (ISI-2015)” (Moscow, Russia, 20-24 August, 2015), V.2, P.132-135.
- R. Pikho, S. Voloshanska, T. Kavetskyy. Biological activity and nanostructural characterization of biomaterial Nefrovil // Materials of the III International Young Scientists and Students Scientific and Practical Conference: Bio– and Agrocenosises Modern State and Perspectives in the Constant Technogenic Pollution Circumstances (Drohobych, Ukraine, 15-17 October, 2014), 261-269. (in Ukrainian)
- A.N. Golubeev, S.I. Nikitin, T.S. Kavetskyy, A.L. Stepanov. Ion synthesis and optical properties of metal nanoparticles // Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific School “Science and Innovations – 2012” ISS «SI-2012»: Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Seminar “Fundamental Investigations and Innovations” and Russian Junior Scientific Seminar “Science and Innovations – 2012” (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 23-29 July, 2012), P.42-46. (in Russian)
- Kavetskyy, Ya. Shpotyuk. FSDP-related XRD study of medium-range order in vitreous alloys of (As2S3)x(Sb2S3)1-x system // Proceedings of the XIV International Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Lviv, Ukraine, 1-4 June, 2008), P.148-154.
- Kavetskyy. On the g-irradiation-induced internal compression of structural network in vitreous As2S3 // Proceedings of the XIV International Seminar on Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Lviv, Ukraine, 1-4 June, 2008), P.144-147.
- Ya. Golovchak, T.S. Kavetskyy, O.I. Shpotyuk, A.P. Kovalskiy. IR spectroscopy study of ternary chalcogenide glasses // Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Glass and Ceramics (Varna, Bulgaria, 29 September – 1 October, 1999), P.181-186.
- I. Shpotyuk, R.Ya. Golovchak, T.S. Kavetskiy. IR optical fibers and sensors based on vitreous germanium and arsenic sulphoselenides // Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of IMAPS – Poland Chapter (Zakopane, Poland, 1-3 October, 1998), P.303-306.
- Kavetsky, O. Shpotyuk, A. Kovalskij, R. Lutziv, V. Pamukchieva. On the problem of microhardness concentration dependence in chalcogenide Ge-Sb-S glasses near topological structural-phase transition // Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Microelectronics Technologies and Microsystems (Lviv, Ukraine, 15-17 June, 1998), P.200-203.
- Hadzaman, T. Kavetskiy, Yu. Luzhetskiy, O. Mrooz. Influence of TiO2 excess on thermistor properties of barium titanate // Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics – Poland Chapter (Ustron, Poland, 5-8 October, 1997), P.165-167.